Tuesday, February 20, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 24....Tuesday

I know...I know - "where were my HappyUP!!!s yesterday? You know I can't live without them." Trust me, I feel your pain.

Rest assured - they were recorded in my handy Moleskinie.

I was travelling on business! - and I have an agreement with my employer not to use their laptop and their network for my personal stuff. Hey, as long as I work their, I am their guest so I happily comply.

HU1 - cute cats
Why it happened - I let them in last night
Why it made me happy - one was on my chest and the other was under my arm as I was attempting to go to sleep. Now, a steady diet of this could lead to sleep deprivation. In this case, I was in the presence of total contentment. This is always a HappyUP!!! to me.

HU2 - driving to Lake Tahoe
Why it happened - I needed to be at a meeting
Why it made me happy - I was running ahead of time. I actually got to pull over...take in the mountains....snap a couple of pictures. I was able to feel God's creation in a different way than my normal routine takes me.

HU3 - a video clip
Why it happened - it was played at the movie
Why it made me happy - it demonstrated what art can do...how art can transcend words. The point of the video? "You can be so much more than you are. You are limited by what and how you see." OK...if I tell you that, what do you think? "Yadda...Yadda....I know...it's true," but it just lays there in a puddle of shallow words. Yet, when acted out in real drama, those words come alive...even though they were never spoken.

-Toastmaster meeting
-Client meeting
-Learning the term "snail shower"
-Caught a great break on a difficult merge in traffic
-woke up late....but was still on time
-Extra work done by one of our Toastmasters
-Meeting my HR person
-Reacquainting with a corp person I hadn't seen in years
-Fraud training
-The message I got about the guy in the pancake suit "my HappyUP!!! is that I don't have that job"
-The proper fraud manager doing an Elmer Fudd impersonation

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