Tuesday, February 27, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 31....Toastmasters

What a start! - my heart was so full by the time I got into work today that I could barely contain myself. Work was fine....it was just no competition for what had happened prior to 9 a.m. I even caught myself in the moments of rapture, noticed them for what they were, and soaked them in like a good marinade.

HappyUP!!! 1 - our semi annual speech contest
Why it happened - our club is committed to always sending someone to the next level
Why it made me happy - we had four great speeches....and all of the other three speakers have come into the club long after I did. I am so proud of each one of them. No, the oldest veteran didn't win today....and that's OK. We are sending the best representative. We are a small group but there are clubs with a bigger membership that doesn't even play.

HappyUP!!! 2 - a conversation after the meeting with a member
Why it happened - we just took some time to converse
Why it made me happy - it was one of those conversations that went to several meaningful topics. When two guys get together for that, it's always a HappyUP!!!

HappyUP!!! 3 - the "Wildman" re-enters my life
Why it happened - because of HappyUP!!! 2
Why it made me happy - there is a gentleman that is about 30 years my senior that I have been acquainted with for a long time. We kind of know each other....but we don't. I hadn't seen him in years. He came bebopping into the room where HappyUP!!! 2 was going on....right when I was chatting with the other member about people who are the "+5's" on the HappyUP!!! scale. I said, "Luke, see this guy....this is one of those 5's." "The Wildman" gave me his card and wants to get together...and he really means it. I was going to suggest the same. I can only pray that I have the youthful exuberance that this guy has when I am in my 70's. They guy is ebullient like you can not believe.


-conference call with my boss and his boss
-great exchange via e-mail with two key employees
-a tuna salad melt at home for a quick lunch
-a wonderful personal e-mail exchange with a friend...first thing this morning
-got a couple of pressing work things done
-competed in the speech contest....I wasn't going to but I put something together in the end
-Walt brought cookies to our meeting....and got a copy of the club charter
-One of my protoge's at work was going out on his own to conquer the world today....I can't wait to see what he comes back with.

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