Monday, March 08, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5444

 HappyUP!!! - my Hygenist

Why it happened - I do oral maintenance
Why it makes me happy -love this little gal! She's the best! I always enjoy my visits. Today, she didn't have to work too hard. I must be doing a great job too!

HappyUP!!! - paperwork
Why it happened -I had some time
Why it makes me happy -this isn't my favorite thing to do. Yet, today, it seemed effortless. 

HappyUP!!! - the bank
Why it happened -I needed to do some of that
Why it makes me happy -NO LINE!!! This is NOT a given. I was there for a LONG time the last time! So glad to be in and out!!!

HappyUP!!! - great walk
Why it happened -I snuck it in
Why it makes me happy - I almost shined it. Then, I put my eyes on the prize! Breezed through a fast session. I even handled some business while I was doing it

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