Tuesday, September 22, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5277

 HappyUP!!! - mobile app deposit

Why it happened -I did some McGyvering
Why it makes me happy -it makes dues collection and depositing and paperwork SOOOO much easier and convenient. Not having to do a two part process and just finishing the deal for a bit is the BEST! Nothin hanging

HappyUP!!! -cardboard cleanup
Why it happened -it was overdue
Why it makes me happy - nice to get the back porch cleared. It was a relatively quick trip....but...that WAS A LOT of boxes that had to get busted down

HappyUP!!! - another walk
Why it happened -getting ready
Why it makes me happy -I'm feeling really good. Started up on a new program yesterday that will take me home through the end of the year

HappyUP!!! -more training
Why it happened -I stay up to date
Why it makes me happy -great info on the reframe and the transformation today. I am always getting something new...even if the topic is the same thing I have heard before. GREAT mentor!!!

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