Monday, July 22, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2362

HappyUP!!! - Best Buy Guy
Why it happened - TV blew out
Why it makes me happy - I think people overspend on TV's.  Why spend so much on something that..quite should be doing other things with your time with. Yet...gotta enjoy some tube. This dude "got me" and what I was about. Easy upgrade

HappyUP!!! - trip to Comcast
Why it happened - see above...had to go from regular to HD
Why it makes me happy - Comcast store can be a was eezy breezy today

HappyUP!!! - got it DONE
Why it happened - I got on it
Why it makes me happy - buying a TV/stand...assembling both...going to Comcast...dealing with the new signal from Comcast....and even taking ALL OF THAT PACKAGING to the an impressive time....NICE!!!


Brandon at Best Buy
Comcast trip
Putting that stand together
Getting a new HD signal
Off to the recycle
Getting it all done in an afternoon

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