Sunday, April 27, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 455

HappyUP!!! - golf
Why it happened - my buddy called me
Why it makes me happy - I didn't score well but I hit a LOT of PURE shots. There aren't many people shooting 85 that hit so many pure shots. The game is not sharp but the swing is getting there.

HappyUP!!! - 4 iron into 18
Why it happened - it shouldn't have....I should have been hitting wedge
Why it makes me happy - rather than wait for my cartmate to bring me my clubs, I grabbed the 8 iron from the lady in the other cart. It was just a layup. The ball was sitting down and, with the lighter club, I hit it fat. This left me a mile out. My buddy was next to me. He goes, "closest to the hole?" as a challenge. From 190 out, I hit it to 2.5 feet....the last shot of the day. Better than the result, the shot was hit PURE. You only hit a pure shot when you are making a good golf swing.

HappyUP!!! - scrambled eggs
Why it happened - I wokked them
Why it makes me happy - those were the easiest scrambled eggs that I have ever made.....and they were perfect. I love that new wok. I also threw last nights steak stir fry in with the eggs...delicious.


Good company for golf
Plugging the front lawn
Pea's sprouting
Scrambled eggs in the wok
Golf in general
Drive down 1
Wedge into 1
4 iron into 2
3 wood on 3
5 iron on 8
Drive on 9
6 iron on 9
Sand shot on 10
8 iron into 13
Wedge recovery on 14
Pitch shot on 15
Putt on 16
Drive on 17
6 iron on 17
4 iron on 18

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