Tuesday, January 30, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 3 Jan 2007

Wow...where did the day go?!?

HappyUP!!! 1 - Our guest at our Toasmasters meeting

Why did it happen - she found our club on the Website

Why did it make me happy - it is always great to have new, potential members at our club. The lady had a lot of presence and she has a goal. Toastmasters is designed to help people with their communication skills so it is a joy whenever we get a chance to further the cause

HappyUP!!! 2 - handled a difficult personnel issue at work

Why did it happen - well......I can't divulge those details, silly! It's a personnel issue!!!

Why did it make me happy - actually, the whole issue that came up saddened me. I had to terminate someone that I didn't want to. It had become somewhat inevitable, however, so the issue was closed today. It is good to get those things behind us. I also got great marks for following procedure that was fair to all involved.

HappyUP!!! 3 - I talked with my new boss

Why did it happen - he is looking to me to be an important resource to his newly reorganized region

Why did it make me happy - it has been a bit since I had a resource above me that I could really count on. I have had the position above me change personnel a few times over the last couple of years. The new boss is actually an old peer. He knows our systems...the previous people were brought in from the outside so I had to help them find their way around. It's going to be nice to hit the ground running!!!

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