(This is a special post for SundayScribblings on the topic of "Chronicles)
When I first saw the topic - I let out a bit of a groan because when I think of chronicle, I think about a long detailed history....something that is not usually that appealing to me.
Then, as I often do - I thought....again. Yes, it is OK to think more than once. In fact, I find it a highly desirable quality in people to think more than once.
"Hey, I keep chronicles!" - I exclaimed!
For example - I can look up and tell you what my weight was on every single Sunday for the last 6 years. Now, that is not always a HappyUP but it is what it is.
To all of you who are loyal to the blog - you probably thought of another chronicle that I regulary do. Yes...you guessed it.....The HappyUP excercise. This would definitely be a chronicle. It's not just a chronicle....
...it's the most important chronicle - that YOU....YOU.....YOU....could ever keep.
For those of you who know the drill - you will just have to be patient for the rest of the class. Remember, millions have signed on since the last time I conducted the HappyUP week.
It's simple - every day for the next 7 days, start looking and paying attention for things that make you happy. If waking up without an alarm clock is a daily blessing for you, that could be a HappyUP! Trust me....the alarm clock is just plain RUDE! You should be happy that you get to wake up when you feel like it.
Hey....just waking up - can be a HappyUP!!! I guarantee you, that didn't happen for more than a few folks today.
At the end of the day - capture your top 3 from the little notes in your journal, index card, notepad, PDA, day planner, etc.
Write down - what it was, why it happened, and why it made you happy.
I do this quite frequently - in fact, so many times, that I don't need to even do it everyday. This little excercise has been a blessing to increasing my overall level of happiness.......and I didn't start out unhappy. I just wanted to raise my game.
In case you are a little scared of the ol Nutster - I didn't invent this. This came from a study by Dr Martin Seligman....the founder of the Positive Psychology movement and past president of the American Psychological Society. Yes, it's clinically proven and safe (Geez....I can't even believe there are a couple of you out there that I had to whip the big credential card out on......just trust the ol Nutster).
Make the commitment - I have. I will post every night this week. YOU....tag on in the comments section. Just name your three HappyUPs!!! for the day. If you want to list the why's, you are an overachiever.
UPDATE: 12/21/2008....I have now well surpassed 650 consecutive days of doing this exercise. I have done many things in my life but NONE as impactful as this.....and I started the project as a fairly happy individual. Think about adding this to your life.
Let's All Have a Great HappyUP!!! Week. Who is in with me?
This couldn't have come at a better time. I've been focussing more and more lately on the small things that make me happy.
I'm so up for it.
Your enthusiasm is contagious (and I saw a French postman wearing one of your buttons - a pink one). I have a lot to be thankful for, but don't necessarily want to post them on my blog (they wouldn't be very interesting to anyone else). But I know we are lucky and blessed to have so many privileges and freedoms - too many people in the world still struggle for the basic necessities.
oh my - i could have written the weight loss chronicles too !!!
love the idea of happy up !!!
reading random blogs and finding cool things like this is my #1 for today
What the all said hits the nail on the head for me!
Cheers R2B
This is our collective chronicle! Thanks for posting this for all of us!
Perfect timing! I was thinking of calling for a "personal HappyUP" session today. Yep, I'm in!
Well, here goes...Day 1:
1) Waking up with my kitties. Theirs are the first faces I see in the morning and hearing them purr makes me happy!
2) Having nice things to wear, since I've lost weight! How bad could that be?
3) Knowing that I am about to lock up my Sales Pavilion and go home. Now THAT makes me a happy girl! (Oh, and that I know I'm having tomato soup and a grilled cheese for dinner!!)
Great idea/reminder! I'm in, although I'll be doing Monday to Sunday since I'm a day behind on my blog reading. :)
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