Sunday, May 02, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1189

HappyUP!!! - winning the Fantasy Golf pool this week
Why it happened - superior predictive skills, of cours
Why it makes me happy - hey....I picked up some dough......that is always a HappyUP!!!

HappyUP!!! - a walk
Why it happened - I was a bit idle...needed to go moving
Why it makes me happy - it is good for the body. The best part was a serendipitous phone call while I was on the move with a very close friend. I like talking on the phone when I am moving

HappyUP!!! - a new book
Why it happened - lazy Sunday morning....a TV show talking about issues of the day informed me that one of my favorite authors, Richard Florida, has a new book out
Why it makes me happy - Florida has a very interesting and statistically backed view on how we live....and what we do.....this book is all about what the mess this recession has created....and the opportunities that come out of it. Statistically based optimism......HappyUP!!!


A lazy Sunday morning
A walk
A most unusual phone conversation
Winning the Fantasy Golf pool this week
Testing a strawberry
My wound
A new book

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