Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 872

HappyUP!!! - dinner with a buddy
Why it happened - we set it up
Why it makes me happy - we had some great food out at the club. We even did a little meal swap so we each got to expand our selection. Good food and conversation always makes the list.

HappyUP!!! - new contacts came in
Why it happened - my eye doctor got on it
Why it makes me happy - I am doing a test and wearing one contact rather than going back for Lasik again. I hadn't worn a contact in forever. When I picked them up the other day, the contact was a little new one is ready for me tomorrow.

HappyUP!!! - chutting in
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy - I played 36 holes today....and, quite frankly, I had a bit of a setback. Just didn't have it today.....hit some really hack shots. On the 35th hole, I had a slippery downhill shot from the first cut of rough, through the fringe, to a green going away from me. Most guys chip....which would have required a pretty deft touch. Some guys would try to putt...a bit too much luck. I take a hybrid and bump the ball...there is more control. I called my shot to a buddy I was playing with..........and it went in. My only birdie of the day and a bright spot for a big match tomorrow.

HappyUP!!! - bunker play
Why it happened - I was in a bunch of them
Why it makes me happy - our course has refilled it's sand traps. This makes the texture different.....and requires a little different touch out of the traps. While I couldn't seem to make the putts afterward, I was able to get some control that I haven't had in a couple of weeks.


Chutting in
Bunker shots
Walking in the evening
Winning on some bets
Great pictures

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