Friday, May 01, 2009

HappyUP!!!...Why Are You Keeping It to Yourself?

Everyone complains about the media - and all of the bad news that it reports. No question...without the proper filters, it can get you down.

Ever thought of yourself as a media source? - you are, you know. You touch people everyday.

Here is my question - what does your output look like?

I'm not saying you have to be the "good news" channel - polyanna isn't always taken seriously.

What is your ratio of good things to bad things that happen - to you? What stories are your reporters covering for the world. Are you telling people about the good things going on in your world?

Why not? - you think you are being humble? You want to be reserved?

My question - what do you want to attract to you?

Ghandi said - "Be the change you seek." If that is true and you are a clam, you probably won't get much good news fed back to you. You'll probably get bad news delivered to you because, hey, the media has trained most people to sensationalize the crud.

Good things are happening - amidst the bad. Why are you keeping it to yourself?

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