Thursday, December 28, 2017

HappyUP!!! Day 4224

HappyUP!!! - cancelling appointment
Why it happened - I had to be cautious
Why it makes me happy -I'm glad my provider was understanding. I didn't want them to get sick...if I am sick...we shall see

HappyUP!!! - being retired
Why it happened -I planned on it
Why it makes me happy -it is one of the greatest luxuries of retirement. If I feel a little sick, I get DOWN and stay DOWN! This usually keeps things from spreading and leads to faster recovery. I am one lucky dude

HappyUP!!! - Wor Won Ton soup
Why it happened -I dialed up Wongs
Why it makes me happy -when sick, this is what you do and where you go!!! Deeeelicious!!!!

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