Monday, December 18, 2017

HappyUP!!! Day 4264

HappyUP!!! - buddy to El Do Hills
Why it happened - he asked
Why it makes me happy - yeah, it was a big ask....I'm glad he was cool with doing it. I got to see some scenery while my buddy fights this thing he has going on

HappyUP!!! - picking up the goods
Why it happened - Footsie came through
Why it makes me happy - now, it is all up to me to make them look perfect

HappyUP!!! - The Palladio
Why it happened -time to kill
Why it makes me happy -I have been here before...but not since it was fully occupied. I guess it's cool for the ElDo people. I think it could have been done more efficiently but, hey, what do I know. It was a neat place to walk around

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