Wednesday, May 28, 2014

HappyUP!!! Day 3109

HappyUP!!! - up and downs
Why it happened - short game coming around
Why it makes me happy - if the short game doesn't work for me, it's a loooong day. Got up and down 5 times today

HappyUP!!! - near ace on 12
Why it happened - exceptional shot
Why it makes me happy - north wind was howling into our face. It makes the 12th hole pretty tough. I managed to flight it down a bit under the wind and nearly put it in the jar

HappyUP!!! - talking with old buddy NS
Why it happened - I put in the call
Why it makes me happy - haven't talked to this person in 6 months. Great to find out some new stuff

HappyUP!!! - Ed Snowden interview
Why it happened - I stayed up late
Why it makes me happy - it was GREAT to get some first hand perspective from the other side of the story without filters.


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