Wednesday, October 30, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2802

HappyUP!!! - getting the W
Why it happened - partner
Why ti makes me happy - yeah...I threw down a bit really was my partner. LOVE a strong partner

HappyUP!!! - birdie on 18
Why it happened - a long putt
Why it makes me happy - I stubbed my putter going back on that 35 footer...and stopped myself mid-stroke. What a gaff!!!  I re-established......and then DRAINED that puppy!....for the W

HappyUP!!! - candy
Why it happened - we got an event tomorrow night
Why it makes me happy - ahhhhhhhh.....I'm ready for those little bandits 2morrow night!


Getting the W
Birdie on 18
Skipping out on TM
World Series

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