Saturday, October 19, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2791

HappyUP!!! - great iPad presentation
Why it happened - I went to a great seminar
Why it makes me happy - LOVED this breakout session.....and I don't even own an iPad.....YET!

HappyUP!!! - meeting Herm Edwards
Why it happened - seminar
Why it makes me happy - this dude is a WINNER! He gave a great presentation

HappyUP!!! - phone find
Why it happened - I had left it behind
Why it makes me happy - HOW would YOU feel if you left a venue....had driven away.....look for phone on your person...pull over and confirm you don't have it....rush back to the venue...and...VOILA!!!!!.....there it is!!!'d feel like I did....pretty darn happy!

HappyUP!!! - dinner
Why it happened - a guy has to eat
Why it makes me happy - THAT was some delicious stroganoff


Running into Dick
Running into Patty
Great iPad presentation
Herm Edwards talk
Finding phone

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