Monday, November 05, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4487

HappyUP!!! -  Northridge
Why it happened -I was invited
Why it makes me happy -GREAT to get to try out the new greens and green complexes. WOW! Those were some smooth putting surfaces! Very nicely done. I could see there could be a lot of putts taken on those babies!

HappyUP!!! - Yam and Marty re-strung
Why it happened - I had some time
Why it makes me happy - WOW! What a difference on acoustics 3 and 4! They sound fantastic!

HappyUP!!! - new friend
Why it happened - golf tournament
Why it makes me happy - the guy can not only golf but can do a little pickin. Looking forward to sharing some chops with JG

HappyUP!!! - Portia and Ampy getting closer
Why it happened - I am forcing the issue
Why it makes me happy- all it takes to make my household is some peace...followed by play...from these two. Ampy is awesome!

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