HappyUP!!! - Toastmasters
Why it happened - it's Tuesday
Why it makes me happy - this was an "off" week. We had an executive meeting to discuss progress on our club growth initiatives. The club is low on members. This has been the first time in over 20 yrs the club has been in existence that we have had official exec meetings...it's a nice change and an exciting project to work on.
HappyUP!!! - Prop 8 decision
Why it happened - Diane Feinstein weighed in
Why it makes me happy - Prop 8 is the gay marriage initiative. I believe in allowing people to do what they want to do. I have gay friends. This made me want to vote "no." I also believe in the traditional form of marriage and don't believe there is a need to promote the alternative. That would be a "yes." Enter Dianne and her liberal statements and drops the discrimination card. I HATE the discrimination card. It looks like "yes" will win in my household. Sorry, my friends with alternative lifestyles, your advocates hired the wrong spokesperson.
HappyUP!!! - chat with my friend
Why it happened - I shot T a text
Why it makes me happy - we had an open loop. The conversation closed the loop with both of us feeling better. Friendship maintenance...it comes with friendship....and it's a good thing.
Prop 8 decision
Stock market
Front door
Chat with my friend
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