<----Check this out - this is an exciting picture of my TV remote. I know...you are going, "Wow...that's pretty exciting stuff, Nutster!"
Hey, it is - my previous digital camera couldn't touch this. My new Canon cost what?...two hundred bucks?
Do I really need to go out and spend $1000 - on an SLR? (I think that is what those cameras are called that you would have to change lenses on). Of course, if I had an SLR, I could wear one of those super cool camera cases around my neck and be THAT guy. (<-----facetious statement alert) I think this is pretty cool - and, once I really figure this camera out, should put me in a position to have too much fun screwing around.
HappyUP!!! - Toastmasters Contest
Why it happened - I went to support my club contestants
Why it makes me happy - our club sent representatives in the two contests, Table Topics and Humorous Speech, to the area level. Both of our members won. Tonight was the NEXT level after that at the division. We didn't advance but I dig watching these guys grow....and seeing their guts churn! Plus, there were some pretty funny speeches there.
HappyUP!!! - an opportunity to make myself a nervous wreck
Why it happened - I did an outstanding job
Why it makes me happy - let's face it....we can be lazy and pass up things. Tonight, at the Division Contest, I was asked to be a humorist. This is a little filler part of the program where you go up and tell a joke. I had put off figuring out a good joke.....mainly because, at Toastmasters, it has to be a clean joke. Most of the clean jokes I know are short. I strung together 4-5 of them, personalized them and made myself the butt/sufferer in the joke, and busted people up. It was a little Rodney Dangerfield meets Johnny Carson kind of thing. Afterward, a lady came up and said, "Are you a comedian? I need a comedian for Friday Night Fun Night." I told her I wasn't.....she said I was.....and I took the gig. Now, I get to fret for about a month in putting together an act. I am sure, in the end, I will be glad that I did it which is the HappyUP!!! Gotta stretch
HappyUP!!! - a couple of good birdies
Why it happened - I pulled off some magic
Why it makes me happy - the wind howled today. I wouldn't have gone to the course if I knew how hard the wind was going to be blowing. Despite this, I birdied the hardest hole on the golf course and another one that gives me fits. We won't talk about the rest of the day....or my messed up hair!
E-mail exchange with T.H.
Playing golf with an old friend and really nice guy I hadn't seen in forever
The painter showed up
Breakfast and banter with my favorite waitress
Finding an old earpiece...a Eureka!!! moment
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