Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A God Thought

As the years have rolled by - I have done some spent some time contemplating this vast word "spirituality."

I have studied the Bible - to more detail than other religions. This study has not been through formal seminal training. To a scholar, it would not be considered true study. Compared to other forms, however, this is the one that I know the most about.

Some say God is all around us - but some contend that He is within us.

I don't doubt either - my take is that when He is around us, He is there to be seen. When He is within us, He is to be discovered.

If God is within us - it seems that it would be impossible to know God without knowing ourselves first.

How many people really know themselves? - I mean know themselves as who they are as opposed to who they think they are supposed to be or who they wish that they were.

A lot of people find God - when they hit rock bottom. Could the reason be that, in their rock bottomness, there is nothing of themselves left to see and only God is left?

What is in your way - of discovering God?

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