Saturday, May 12, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day progress

Oh my goodness! - can you believe it? Another first here in the's a midday progress report!

So, far, there are a lot of HappyUP!!!s in the running - a touch of insomnia began the day. What was the HappyUP!!! about that? It was Friday night! No stress about it being a tough day at work. I got some things off my mind and into the computer. That helped and was another HappyUP!!!

Slept until almost 8 a.m. - that is unheard of. Considering the sleep interruption, the body regulated...excellent!

Went to breakfast with friends who are like family - came home and did some guitar playing and singing. I went out and tended to those vegetables. A plethora of HappyUP!!!s there. The zucchini are taking form. Cucumbers are showing. An entire bell pepper has grown in one week. How does that happen??? It is the funniest thing.

...and the tomatoes - look out...they are everywhere!

Came back into the house - noodled on the guitar and did some worship....good for the soul.

Oranges - I can't believe that my orange tree still has some oranges on new ones are starting to take shape. I need to record this. I was getting oranges in's May! I cut open a couple of them and sucked out that sweet nectar. Who the heck needs the sugary crap in artificially in our foods?

Chipping - I even got some golf practice in...big tournament next week! I can't wait.

Mowing the lawn - I love cutting my grass. I really do. Sure, I could pay someone but I actually like to mow my yard......and then...

...water right afterward - it's just nice.

I turned some dirt - and turned weeds back to beautiful earth.

What a day - and it is only 1 o'clock.

Life - for me, it's a blessing that I forget to enjoy as much as I should. How about you? JOY is all around you disguised in the mundane. will find what you are looking for.

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