Saturday, April 07, 2007

HappyUP!!! Project Revisited

I just noticed - there are still a couple of people on the internet that have not found NuttersNotes

Because the last of the stragglers will probably be stopping by today - it is prime time for a little refresher course in what this HappyUP!!! thing is all about.

For an older explanation and the rationale - you need to nothing more than click here

...and you really should do that - because I can't devote this entire post to remedial students. I have to take care of the people following along.

If you are a follower - there has never been a better time to step up and lead. Your family needs you to do it. The world needs you to do it. I need you to do it. YOU need you to do it.

You may be happy - which makes you an excellent candidate for the project. The daily excercise is so easy that even the Nutster has been able to do it for over 60 documentable days....right here in front of your own eyes.

All I am coaching you for is - to do 7 days....and then stretch it until it becomes a daily habit. The net effect is that YOU create your good news. Tired of the newspapers and the fabricated stories that are beaten into the ground? Don't take more in....DO something about it. Here is a great example:

The HappyUP!!! - a fish with lips

Why it happened - I was carrying my camera when I went to dinner. I commented on the aquarium to the owner of the eating establishment. "Did you see the big fish....the one with lips?"

Why it made me happy - do you remember the old game when someone asked something really obvious? Today, we just go "duh." In a more creative time, we would say, "Is the Pope Cathholic?" or "Does a bear poop in the woods?" for a positive answer. If the answer was an obvious "No," we would say, "does a fish have lips?"
Well, as it turns out, I guess a fish does have lips!!!

....and that makes me happy - that's all there is to it! It's so easy, even the Nutster can do it! I took a moment, not all day obsessing, and recognized that little situation made me happy. The more times you realize what makes you happy, the happier you are going to be.

It's easy to single out all of the things - than make you mad, sad, frustrated, etc and attach all kinds of emotion to them. Why do you need to do that? The answer: you don't NEED to do CHOOSE to do it. And, just like you made the choice to focus on the crappy, you can make a new choice to focus on the Happy.

Yes, it is a formalized version - of "count your blessings." Is there a better time to start than right now?

If you are a fellow blogger - you can even work it into a daily posting amongst the other wonderful things you are posting. It's a wonderful accountability to yourself. I can't tell you the number of times I have gone up to bed, laid down, and said, "oops...I have the HappyUP!!!s. I just forgot to post them."...and back to the computer I went.

....and it has been worth every trip! - I have been hearing a comment from people lately that I have never heard before. "Nutster, you are so positive....I really like that." Hmmmmmm........I think I am going to continue.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the photo of the fish lips; that is too funny!!

Anonymous said...

My poet friend Mara called and wanted me to look something up... pool hours she said, but I heard something like poolours and thought it was a new poetry form like pantoums! Did you know that belly laughs are like pain killers?

The link for the remedial readers didn't work for me. Keep UP the good work.