Monday, April 30, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 93

HappyUP!!! - getting around an accident
Why it happened - I was in tune with my surroundings
Why it made me happy - all of a sudden, a car fire erupted about a block in front of me. The cars in front of me were stuck. I saw a guy make a quick right. I sensed he knew where he was going. I went after him. I went through a parking lot and came back to my same street...but one block further up. It was right where the car had erupted. While not my thing, I got a nice view of that too that no one else did as no cars were being allowed through.

HappyUP!!! - a clean car (and a cool photo)
Why it happened - I got some gas...and ordered an early morning wash as well.
Why it made me happy - hey, who doesn't like to start the week with a clean set of wheels. Plus, I had the presence of mind to whip out the camera and get some interesting shots.

HappyUP!!! - a going away meeting
Why it happened - a valued employee clocked in his last day today.
Why it made me happy - I used to have to dislike people that left. It was a strange detachment thing that I had to do. While I still don't like it when people leave, if they are leaving on the right terms, I now wish them well. We had a nice get together to do just that tonight.

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