Wednesday, February 24, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5432

 HappyUP!!! - Mowing

Why it happened -it was time
Why it makes me happy -my first mow of the year!!! Yeah, might have been a week late. Who cares? It wasn't THAT bad. Just felt great to cut some grass again

HappyUP!!! -coffee talk
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -great to talk through some confusion I was having on an issue. This guy is my perfect sounding board

HappyUP!!! - delivering a talk
Why it happened -it's contest season
Why it makes me happy -NOPE!...not my best. Better than the last time I gave it, though. It was also good enough for second to put me through to the next round. I will KILL it next time

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