Friday, July 31, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5224

HappyUP!!! - chip in on 5
Why it happened -skillz
Why it makes me happy - this was a TOUGH pitch....just HOPING to get down in two..then....DUNK!

HappyUP!!! - birdie putt on 12
Why it happened - I had in the spot
Why it makes me happy -I asked my partner for a last opinion....cuz I KNEW I was going to make this put......and I DID

HappyUP!!! - minimal damage
Why it happened -I fell into a succulent
Why it makes me happy - it FELT like I had sliced open my finger....and the blood gushing reflected that. I was so relieved that it ended up just being a pinhole wound!!!.....and I played on

Thursday, July 30, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5223

HappyUP!!! - Giants comeback
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -they were DONE last night! (yeah...I watched the recording today). I don't think anybody saw THAT kind of firepower coming

HappyUP!!! - another trip to dentist
Why it happened - we are having a challenge temporarily
Why it makes me happy - they were so gracious...and new strategy! I believe this one will work. I am so lucky!!!

HappyUP!!! - basketball
Why it happened -it was time
Why it makes me happy -I am fascinated about the measures the NBA has taken to create "the bubble" and how it COULD have implications for us all to get out of ThisThing we are living under

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5222

HappyUP!!! - getting another appointment scheduled
Why it happened -had another incident
Why it makes me happy -my health care provider is really working OVERTIME with me this week

HappyUP!!! - news from my buddy
Why it happened -we talk
Why it makes me happy -he INSPIRED me to get out and give something a try today. It's a long shot but it is something that is possible

HappyUP!!! - Improv Time
Why it happened -special meeting
Why it makes me happy - people are a lot better than I think at this. I came up with some great stuff too!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5221

HappyUP!!! - my stylist
Why it happened -I gotta get shorn up...even in these times
Why it makes me happy -great visit, as usual. She looked STUNNING today (hey, I noticed). She is putting in some work right now

HappyUP!!! - JG
Why it happened -Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy is why I am see what I saw today

HappyUP!!! - Sam Kinnison 
Why it happened -I pulled him up on Netflix
Why it makes me happy -OK...I finally "get it" about him. Yeah, I can see where some see genius...but ....I know where I land on him. Nope!

HappyUP!!! - Hank Paulson
Why it happened -I saw the documentary
Why it makes me happy -I lived "the brink." I knew more about that than most people...but I learned a lot more today! It also confirmed to me about how short sighted people are

Monday, July 27, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5220

HappyUP!!! - advice from the doc
Why it happened -I had to have work done
Why it makes me happy -it was a separate item. He explained something about a mouth related issue that made sense

HappyUP!!! - the assistant to the doc
Why it happened -I was having work done
Why it makes me happy - pretty impressive.....this is work the dentist USED to do. Courtney was awesome!!!

HappyUP!!! - food backup 
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - I was late to the store...closed! DANG IT!!! Bad Planning!!!...but so glad I wasn't desperate

Sunday, July 26, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5219

HappyUP!!! - great training session
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - it was absolutely awesome to focus on some static drills

HappyUP!!! - ribs seem OK
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy - I am not one to be fooled. I have to do some time off...but...I am also someone who tests. I was thrilled by today's work

HappyUP!!! - watermelons
Why it happened -I planted them
Why it makes me happy -I NOTICED those little guys today....they grow QUICK once they get going. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen them earlier!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5218

HappyUP!!! - wonderful phone call
Why it happened -I was thought of
Why it makes me happy -this was the most CHARMING call!

HappyUP!!! - taking the day off
Why it happened -there was an event
Why it makes me happy -made it easy for me to rest my ribs

HappyUP!!! - an opportunity walked through the door
Why it happened -I keep the door open
Why it makes me happy -who knows if this will manifest to something bigger...I know this...I will do my part. EXCITING!!!

Friday, July 24, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5217

HappyUP!!! - chatting with an old friend
Why it happened -it started with a text
Why it makes me happy -it was AWESOME catching up with this guy and his new life

HappyUP!!! - getting some clean up in
Why it happened -motivation
Why it makes me happy -not done....but took a BIG CHUNK out of a dreaded project DONE today

HappyUP!!! - grabbing some TO GO at the club
Why it happened -I get hungry
Why it makes me happy -I timed it so I could spend time with my buddies who were finishing up on the golf course. Great time.....and the food was good too

Thursday, July 23, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5216

HappyUP!!! - drying silicone arrived
Why it happened -I ordered it
Why it makes me happy -I THOUGHT I had ordered a drying towel to replace my old one. THIS is going to work so much better. A GREAT MISTAKE!!!

HappyUP!!! - client chat
Why it happened -I follow up
Why it makes me happy -thrilled that this guy is hanging with the process!!!

HappyUP!!! - neighbor cat text
Why it happened -we are considerate
Why it makes me happy -it was amazing to see how fast our network took care of each other...inquiring, "is this your cat?"...then, "no, but it might be the lady a couple doors down's."

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5215

HappyUP!!! - not THAT dinged up
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy -had a little incident yesterday where I went, "that's going to hurt tomorrow." It wasn't that bad.

HappyUP!!! - not golfing
Why it happened -see above
Why it makes me happy -I said "it wasn't that bad"....I didn't say, "I was totally spared!" Good day to pack it in

HappyUP!!! - coffee time
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -my buddy had some interesting things to tell me today

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5214

HappyUP!!! - meeting with the City
Why it happened -I am in that mode
Why it makes me happy -got some great information. My partner in it showed up. Time for me to do some serious thinking

HappyUP!!! - designer following up
Why it happened -she's good
Why it makes me happy -I LOVE IT when someone is a professional and doesn't let things slide!

HappyUP!!! - follow up with a client
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - the client is doing well....and continues to be excited...and is really enjoying the process

Monday, July 20, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5213

HappyUP!!! - texting with my stylist
Why it happened -I was wondering about something
Why it makes me happy - something just isn't right about how the government is handling this

HappyUP!!! - realizing I am the TM
Why it happened -I looked
Why it makes me happy -I was LATE....but I got it handled!

Why it happened - I got backed up and then motivated
Why it makes me happy - this Covid thing makes it toooo easy to put things off...but...even "non-essentials become essential at some point.  I was a MACHINE today!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5212

HappyUP!!! - solid round
Why it happened -it's coming back
Why it makes me happy -not my best round...but...very tidy!

HappyUP!!! - family time
Why it happened -my family does that
Why it makes me happy -a protein style burger....took my accoutrements over to make it happen...delicious

HappyUP!!! - hypnotizing
Why it happened -it was requested
Why it makes me happy -so much fun with the kids!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5211

HappyUP!!! - Mixed Invitational
Why it happened -we do that stuff
Why it makes me happy - I .didn't HAVE to golf was a nice break!

HappyUP!!! -fabulous walk
Why it happened -see the above
Why it makes me happy -hit it hard today....and poured the sweat out!

HappyUP!!! - study
Why it happened -see above
Why it makes me happy -I had the time to look into my craft. Learned great stuff that I will never forget!!!

Friday, July 17, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5210

HappyUP!!! - a bad beat
Why it happened -luck of the roll
Why it makes me happy - there is NO WAY I should have gotten out of that one!....but it was fun!!!

HappyUP!!! -RB as guest
Why it happened -GM is related
Why it makes me happy -hadn't spent time with this dude in years....even managed to keep things within reason

HappyUP!!! - eggs
Why it happened -I got creative
Why it makes me happy -MAN!!!...I totally nailed it this morning!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5209

HappyUP!!! - RTT session
Why it happened -I help people
Why it makes me happy - it is still an AMAZING scene at the end of the session when you catch someone coming out of trance and I ask them, "how do you feel?"....and you can IMMEDIATELY see their first response upon returning to consciousness...and you KNOW you did some great work! It never gets old

HappyUP!!! - Sex/Relationships Class
Why it happened -I do continuing education
Why it makes me happy -just more learning about some fascinating things. I immediately put learnings to use

HappyUP!!! - walk and study
Why it happened -I multi task
Why it makes me happy -it may or may not be optimal...but I love walking the neighborhood with my clipboard...stopping to take notes. I laugh when I think of people watching me and wonder what the heck I am doing.

HappyUP!!! - Finishing up a Netflix series
Why it happened -I fell into it
Why it makes me happy -glad to have this one behind me. Yeah, I learned some stuff but, all in all, it was creepy ( was the Epstein one).

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5208

HappyUP!!! - In n Out
Why it happened -I was hungry
Why it makes me happy -I practically NEVER eat fast food. These guys will do it Protein Style though.....and that works for me

HappyUP!!! - Speaking in Canada
Why it happened -they needed a fill in
Why it makes me happy - gave it better than yesterday, won the daily award, and just felt great to help out

HappyUP!!! - seeing the boys
Why it happened -I was picking up dinner
Why it makes me happy -great flank steak!....and nice chats!

HappyUP!!! -walk n talk
Why it happened -my buddy hit me up
Why it makes me happy -so glad that we got to tool around the park. I didn't know how far you could go there. Jenny the Dog was a highlight as well

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5207

HappyUP!!! - My Speech
Why it happened -it was my turn
Why it makes me happy - it always amazes me what I can do at the last minute! Now, I have a great skeleton to work off of

HappyUP!!! - my co-host
Why it happened -I delegated
Why it makes me happy -it was great to thrust another member into a position. It also is going to free me up some time in the future. I will be moving this one around

HappyUP!!! - various chats
Why it happened -I needed information
Why it makes me happy - it is great to make some purposeful calls that also include enjoyable things.

Monday, July 13, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5206

HappyUP!!! - meeting the draftsman
Why it happened - we made an appointment
Why it makes me happy I have some ideas....and a guy I can work with

HappyUP!!! -making an appointment with the City
Why it happened -I inquired
Why it makes me happy -it isn't as simple as it used to be BUT I was absolutely thrilled that one can still get into the Building Department during these times

HappyUP!!! - phone chatting with a designer
Why it happened -I called
Why it makes me happy - she was recommended by a friend. We had the most charming discussion. She seems to be JUST the person to help me should I take this thing to completion

Sunday, July 12, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5205

HappyUP!!! - No Doubles and playing to my revised handicap
Why it happened -there is a new system
Why it makes me happy -it's so easy to make a double bogey in a tournament like this. Proud to avoid today. Plus, they knocked me down a stroke and I managed to hit my number on the button

HappyUP!!! - sweet 7 iron into 18
Why it happened - skills?
Why it makes me happy -I needed a birdie. 150 yards and it had to be cut around a tree to a green that is guarded by traps either way.....and I just hit the most beautiful mid-iron. Satisfaction

HappyUP!!! - winning my flight
Why it happened -I ground it out
Why it makes me happy -I hung in there all day. I made a BAD mistake on 17 and figured, "that's probably it." Yet, I hung in there....just like I had been hanging in there.....and won the deal!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5204

HappyUP!!! - starting the tourney with a birdie
Why it happened -I can putt
Why it makes me happy -THAT putt would NEVER get made...usually. A slippery 25 footer down the hill at perfect speed?...right in the jar?...are you kidding? Love a good start

HappyUP!!! -parring in
Why it happened -the mind?..some skills
Why it makes me happy -wasn't having a great day. With 4 holes to go I said, "if I could just par in, I could be 'hanging around.' "  I GROUND out those pars somehow....and only one shot back

HappyUP!!! - winning a last minute wager
Why it happened -my buddy couldn't resist
Why it makes me happy -it's always nice to win!!!

Friday, July 10, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5203

HappyUP!!! - 8 iron/birdie 14
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -somehow in the midst of the mess that today was, I stuck this gem to 5 feet and made the putt! My partner and I were needing that!

HappyUP!!! - my partner on 9
Why it happened -two of the best back to back's I have ever seen him hit
Why it makes me happy -a Gimmie birdie on 9? You don't KNOW how big that is! A little unlkely too! Saved my fandango!!!

HappyUP!!! - keeping it cool
Why it happened -we all rode
Why it makes me happy -today had the potential to be one of those oppressive days. We played fast and kept it in the shade.  Not my favorite time in Sac Valley

Thursday, July 09, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5202

HappyUP!!! - meeting with neighbor
Why it happened -he knows stuff
Why it makes me happy -I think I might be able to get this done!...myself!!!

HappyUP!!! -so many chats
Why it happened -I made some calls
Why it makes me happy - Carol, B, Sharls, the Landman, ....just GREAT and informative convos.

HappyUP!!! - solid emailing
Why it happened -I am doing some planning
Why it makes me happy -more great info with some great people. Very helpful!!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5201

HappyUP!!! - Cowichan TM
Why it happened -I'm a member now
Why it makes me happy -what a fun little group to hang with on a Wed night!  A couple of great speeches. Lots of Table Topics time. Good stuff

HappyUP!!! -delivering the joke
Why it happened -I was asked
Why it makes me happy -I NAILED it...and I customized it to their theme

HappyUP!!! - splitting it up...and still getting the win
Why it happened -a guy had to leave
Why it makes me happy -so happy we started with allowed us to finish with 4. Flexibility is a good thing!!!

HappyUP!!! Day 5200

HappyUP!!! - Nutter Butter bunting
Why it happened -I had it lying around
Why it makes me happy -I think I have the greatest Zoom background ever!!!

HappyUP!!! - don't chat at the meeting
Why it happened -it's become an issue
Why it makes me happy -...and it will be very easy to fix!

HappyUP!!! - chatting with VP Membership
Why it happened - one thing led to another
Why it makes me happy -just love this lady! Great to hear how much she gets from our group!!!

Monday, July 06, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5199

HappyUP!!! - morning walk
Why it happened -my buddy hit me up
Why it makes me happy -THIS would be a great summer habit. Hit the trail at 6:30 for an hour and a half or two. Great time...and good for ya

HappyUP!!! -just KILLING the errands
Why it happened -I was on it
Why it makes me happy was hot. I was undeterred. I must have made 6 stops and got it all done in no more than 2 hours

HappyUP!!! - Bullett Bourbon
Why it happened - I scooped some up today
Why it makes me happy - not my usual "home drink" but it was a nice little change of pace tonight

Sunday, July 05, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5198

HappyUP!!! - Pete K
Why it happened -it was a special match
Why it makes me happy -LOVE this guy. He plays in a different group. Great to mix it up and talk about the greens committee. He's probably going to shoot his age this year....and THAT is impressive

HappyUP!!! - BK and the business
Why it happened -I'm curious
Why it makes me happy -I never would have thought of these kinds of things....and how vast this insurance company is

HappyUP!!! - another walk completed
Why it happened -I gutted it out
Why it makes me happy -3 days walking in a it is heating up!!! But...I can still do it

HappyUP!!! - gorgeous 100 yard uphill wedge to 16
Why it happened -skills
Why it makes me happy - this is definitely a "tweener" usually....not this time. It was an "exacter"

Saturday, July 04, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5197

HappyUP!!! - Fourth of July
Why it happened -the family
Why it makes me happy -fireworks for the young ones....some tri-tip...the other usual delicious side time.

HappyUP!!! - a cold Coors light
Why it happened -I had a mule
Why it makes me happy -I don't drink much beer anymore...BUT.....if you stick one in someone's ice chest and POP IT on a hot day on about hole 11?...REFRESHING as it gets!!!

HappyUP!!! - greenie 9 iron on 5
Why it happened -still got some skills
Why it makes me happy - starting to have a much better mentality about this hole!!!

HappyUP!!! - leftover pizza
Why it happened -I asked last night
Why it makes me happy -what a PERFECT little lunch to tide me over!!!

Friday, July 03, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5196

HappyUP!!! - a free mask
Why it happened -I hinted
Why it makes me happy -I am hell bent on not having to BUY a mask if I don't need to. With that goal, it is good to know a seamstress or two!!!

HappyUP!!! - evening fun
Why it happened -I was invited
Why it makes me happy -nice to sit outside with the couples people. Lovely home and setting

HappyUP!!! - 8 live bets going into 18
Why it happened -tight match
Why it makes me happy -that is about as MANY as you can have. You have to have a LOT of back and forth going on to set up that scenario. Excitement

Thursday, July 02, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5195

HappyUP!!! - Boom Boom Shrimp
Why it happened -the club employee mis-heard me
Why it makes me happy -I ended up with 2 dinners last night (not one). PERFECT for an unexpected delicious lunch today!!!

HappyUP!!! -my friend passed
Why it happened -she had a good session
Why it makes me happy -I was glad to help...and get her over the hump. OUTSTANDING!!!

HappyUP!!! - canned food
Why it happened -I may be converting
Why it makes me happy -those kitties came RUNNING to dinner. Part of this is that I don't "free feed" anymore...but...they LOVED this treat

HappyUP!!! -big sleep
Why it happened -tired?
Why it makes me happy - I almost got in 8 last night!!! I'm more of a 6.5 hour guy. It felt pretty darn good!!!

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5194

HappyUP!!! - putting
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - it is the only thing I can really count on lately. Glad it was there today or it could have been ugly

HappyUP!!! - the Mc's
Why it happened - he was invited
Why it makes me happy -haven't seen one of them in a long time. The other is a great guy as well. Nice to have guest BJ play too! Great day

HappyUP!!! - visiting with J and G
Why it happened -they were playing behind us
Why it makes me happy -just great to do a little catching up and finding out the latest skinny