Sunday, April 19, 2020

HappyUP!!!! Day 5121

HappyUP!!! - shop vac!!!
Why it happened - had an incident
Why it makes me happy - THIS would have been a pain in the tushy to take care of. I didn't even thing the Shop Vac I own could do it. Worked like a champ!!!

HappyUP!!! - patio concert
Why it happened -I just felt like it
Why it makes me happy - I will play on my porch....but usually quietly.  After weeks indoors, I decided to LET IT RIP! Hey, I got some applause!

HappyUP!!! - chatting with the bro
Why it happened -he called me
Why it makes me happy -great getting caught up. With all that is going on, I have fallen a bit out of the loop!

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