Wednesday, April 08, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5110

HappyUP!!! - Ex-TM call
Why it happened -it was her birthday
Why it makes me happy -it was SUCH a nice chat to have with this lovely lady and business contact today. Can't wait for ThisThing we are under to lift so we can get together

HappyUP!!! - leftover meat loaf
Why it happened -I had restraint yesterday
Why it makes me happy -I made that one meal last to two. Pretty good for a pre-made meal.

HappyUP!!! - chat with the Prez
Why it happened -I was checking in
Why it makes me happy -great biz discussed....we keep moving forward in these times

HappyUP!!! - helping out a buddy
Why it happened -I have a skillset
Why it makes me happy -anytime I can help someone, I am all over it!

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