Friday, June 15, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4344

HappyUP!!! - the new parking structure is open
Why it happened - it took awhile
Why it makes me happy - downtown really needed this addition....well...maybe not to the extent that this one was built.....7 levels!!!  But...I don't have a problem with a bit of overkill.  Once you are building a few levels, why not a few more.  I just know where I can park now downtown!!!

HappyUP!!! - Early Golf
Why it happened - nephew needed to
Why it makes me happy - great guys....perfect weather.....greens are sooooo smooth in the morning....done early enough to do other stuff....

HappyUP!!! - cruising the neighborhood with a friend
Why it happened - lunch wrapped early
Why it makes me happy - I was being tour guide and I noticed things that I never had noticed before on some neighboring streets.  I also was strangely even MORE appreciative of my little part of the world.  It really is a nice, charming, and darling little enclave.  I done good settling here

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