Tuesday, April 14, 2015

HappyUP!!! Day 3261

HappyUP!!! - a new member
Why it happened - she liked what we were selling
Why it makes me happy - love new members. A lady joining us keeps up our balance....and a Dr, no less

HappyUP!!! - a guest
Why it happened - saw us on internet
Why it makes me happy - another new member to be......no question we will get a new application next week

HappyUP!!! - errand run
Why it happened - had to do it
Why it makes me happy - I had a different outlook toward errands today.  I did some great routing. I had some foresight into things that were a bit out in the distance timeless....but got them done while in the area

HappyUP!!! - Boxter wash
Why it happened - she needed it
Why it makes me happy - car wash was on my way....in and out


3 speeches
A guest
A new member
Washing the Boxter
Errands run...jamwhamalam
Tomatoes In
Digging a ditch
Ordering paint

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