HappyUP!!! - a picture with the goods
Why it happened - someone sent this to me
<-----Winner! Why it makes me happy - sure, it reminded me that I had won a speech contest but that wasn't it. It was the organizer who is putting an event together that I have been invited to be the guest speaker at. She wanted my permission for the program/promo material. How often do you get your picture in promotional material (that someone else created...not your own stuff)? HappyUP!!! HappyUP!!! - my buddy in AZ
Why it happened - my buddy called
Why it makes me happy - my friend is a crackup. I heard all about an eventful weekend. It sounded like a helluva lot of fun!
HappyUP!!!- grass germination
Why it happened - I planted it
Why it makes me happy - I have worn holes chipping in my backyard. Two weeks ago, I did some re-soiling, re-seeding. The grass seed was supposed to germinate in 7-10 days. I was seeing a whole bunch of nothing. The chipping range has been closed....and no new growth. Today, it looks like the seed is taking.
Call from JW
Garbage service
The guy that takes my coffee money....Confidentiality St
Grass germination
Calling Sprint
Getting Things Done
Working on Speech
Flowers in Front
A clean kitchen
Clean Sheets
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