(Part 5 of a series based on the book, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. To view previous posts, go down to "labels" after this post and click Four Agreements)
Be Impeccable With Your Word
Don't Take Anything Personally
Don't Make Assumptions
Always Do Your Best
We arrive today at our final agreement - always do your best
And this is a tricky one - if you take it too literally, you will never get around to having enough time to do what you think is perfection. You also may spend too much time in overdoing.
Your best will vary - each day. You may be rushed, tired, or sick. You may not be sober. The key is, in any circumstance, to do your best at that time.
Ask yourself - "is this the best I can do right now?" The answer may be, "yes." The answer may be, "it's pretty good, I thought I was done, but I could add this," and you make that last minute addition.
Finish whatever it is - and be finished and say, "I did my best at the time I had with the situation."
...and then walk away - and don't look back. Your attention may be drawn back to the event later and you will want to say you could have done better. Hindsight is always 20-20. You may have picked up information AFTER completion that could have made things better...
...it doesn't matter - "I did my best with what I was working with at the time."
Following this agreement - will eliminate guilt and regret. You asked....you checked...you answered, "I did my best."
At the end of the day - your best is the most you have to give.
"The prizes go to those who meet emergencies successfully. And the way to meet emergencies is to do each daily task the best that we can."
William Feather
1889-1981, Publisher and Author
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