Saturday, January 27, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4254

HappyUP!!! - Dewey Bozella
Why it happened -College of Financial Knowledge
Why it makes me happy - maybe not the smooooothest talker I have ever heard...but definitely one of the most real. He was in the can for a looooooong time...for a murder he never committed. You think you don't have anything to be happy about?....and this guy is full of it?  You and I need to have a little chat. No worries, I'll listen.....first

HappyUP!!! - Mikuni gift card
Why it happened -I ran into Taro again
Why it makes me happy I even need to say the two words that are the epitome of happiness? Well, do I? OK......FREE SUSHI!!!

HappyUP!!! - millenial learnings and instructor
Why it happened - College of Financial Knowledge
Why it makes me happy - mind was expanded a bit regarding the young un's. I get it that they came up in a different age with different tools and surroundings.  Video games, cell phones, and social media and such.  It is a requirement of me to understand that.  HOWEVER, if I am going to understand that.....a millenial should have a good understanding and respect for what the Boomers were raised around too. Gabrielle could have spent a bit more time here.

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