Wednesday, March 25, 2015

HappyUP!!! Day 3241

HappyUP!!! - Computer Store help
Why it happened - I dropped in
Why it makes me happy - dude said I was doing everything right. Admitted he didn't have solution. Confirmed my troubleshooting on another. Cool guy. I'll be going back there for my IT needs

HappyUP!!! - ""I'm gonna put a hurtin on him so bad he's gonna wish his mama had kept her legs closed" - The Rock....Fast and Furious 7
Why it happened - I was watching TV
Why it makes me happy - it just cracked me up

HappyUP!!! - chat with my buddy, L
Why it happened - we do this on occasion
Why it makes me happy - besides the chat, he got a speech idea....and I did as well

HappyUP!!! - sharing files
Why it happened - I did some searching
Why it makes me happy - this issue has been to share a file between a Mac and PC users. Got the fix today

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