Tuesday, September 04, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 2052

HappyUP!!! - mighty meeting
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - the day after a 3 day weekend is always tough....but we pulled it off......and had a TREMENDOUS meeting

HappyUP!!! - the truth shall set you free
Why it happened - a great speech
Why it makes me happy - I still marvel at how far this member has come from where she started. She used to have to have a member hold her hand when she spoke. Today.....she moved this old veteran....with a reminder........about taking emotion out of conversation........it's not he truth. Yes, emotion is a part of it.......but it can distort the truth. I loved her challenge to try to improve our communication

HappyUP!!! - nephew time
Why it happened - he stops by
Why it makes me happy - what a nice visit from this one today.  It was special to me...very special.  HE is my inspiration.


A day for returns
Great small/mighty meeting
The truth shall set you free
Visit from my nephew

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