Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 751

HappyUP!!! - golf commitment
Why it happened - I made a decision
Why it makes me happy - I haven't teed it up in a scratch golf tournament in 20+ years. In April, I'll be trying to qualify for the State Amateur....something I qualified for 26 years ago. WHEN I qualify, I guess I can officially say that I am as good as I was. How often does someone maintain that degree of athleticism later in life? It's going to be great.

HappyUP!!! - golf invitation
Why it happened - I have friends
Why it makes me happy - though I had to turn it down, it is great to be invited. Plus, the invitation came with the person telling me that he is enjoying reading The Four Agreements.

HappyUP!!! - bantering over a stock loss
Why it happened - I spotted a trend
Why it makes me happy - the trend broke....and I got hammered on a trade. BUT, I did have some fun trading e-mails with a guy commiserating over it. It was fake commiseration. You can't let the stock market beat you up these days....if you rolls your dice, you takes your chances.


Golf invitation
Golf commitment
This weekend's tournament
Bantering over a stock loss
Morning freed up

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