Saturday, October 12, 2024

California...a PROGRESSIVE state...or is it?

 Our founding fathers had a degree of brilliance that is hard for me to comprehend.

They created the Electoral College.

The idea was that, "big or small, every state has a voice in our democracy."

It is always arguable about how many electoral votes each state should have. It should be a healthy debate.

NOTHING could be worse for our country than defaulting to a GENERAL VOTE. It is not only a slap in the face to our founding fathers but it is WRONG to people living in less populous states. Those states have no voice

California claims to be progressive.  California brags about "pushing the boundaries." California was built upon brave people that took the HUGE risk to come here during the gold rush.  

California is a RISK TAKER. 

IF California really is as PROGRESSIVE as it proclaims, there is a new boundary to be pushed 


Rather than the current environment where, "every STATE is heard," shouldn't California live up to it's inherent PROGRESSIVE nature and say, "let every person and every vote be heard"?

It is common sense. It is who we are. It is almost our RESPONSIBILITY to LEAD this nation in this endeavor.

We are the 5th largest economy in the world!  Let that sink in

At present, presidential candidates of both parties fly out... for fundraisers and take the cash to spend somewhere else

I LOVE California

California is MORE THAN A WHORE....which is pretty much what we currently are

If California is really, PROGRESSIVE, this is a NO BRAINER

Who splits their electorate now? Maine and Nebraska.

No offense to those two states. They are not that impactful. Yet, for whatever reason, they have commons sense.

If California would "gird it's loins" and "step up to the plate" and REALLY "walk it's talk", and choose to SPLIT THE ELECTORATE, California would PROVE itself as actually being progressive.

Join me in the is coming

What can you do NOW?

YOU don't want to vote FOR Trump...YOU don't want to vote FOR Harris. YOU are currently voting AGAINST the other candidate. THAT is not the way it should be. It has driven you to ignore what you REALLY want to for NOBODY. 

You can vote for NOBODY....and make your voice heard

Write in Scott Andrew Nutter for president.....I am NOBODY 

It is the ONLY vote YOU can make your vote count.


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