Sunday, January 31, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5408

 HappyUP!!! - Griddle set up

Why it happened -initiative
Why it makes me happy -got the new adapter and the bigger propane tank...easy breezy! Hey, it could have been more difficult. I'm good to go!!!

HappyUP!!! - new little chip
Why it happened -my buddy reminded me
Why it makes me happy -I used to use this little gem on occasion...forgot about it. What a nice little tool to have!

HappyUP!!! - chicken tomatillo 
Why it happened -I was ambitious
Why it makes me happy -haven't made this one in forever! Going to be great leftovers

Saturday, January 30, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5407

 HappyUP!!! - hitting balls

Why it happened -I needed practice
Why it makes me happy -it went pretty well....just need to get my hands a little lower. THAT was my find of the day

HappyUP!!! - catching up with my buddies
Why it happened -they had finished golfing
Why it makes me happy -LOVE hanging with those guys for a bit. Glad I took the time

HappyUP!!! -  sushi ans Sprouts
Why it happened -I made a trip
Why it makes me happy - not only did I get some sushi dinner tonight....I found some flank steak I couldn't find at the other store yesterday.  Fajitas coming!!!

Friday, January 29, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5406

 HappyUP!!! - Smash Burger

Why it happened -I have a griddle
Why it makes me happy -oh man! I don't eat a lot of burgers...but I just might (without buns, of course). This is soooooo much better than the barbecue! Crispy...but juicy

HappyUP!!! -ordering needed stuff
Why it happened -I got around to it
Why it makes me happy -I was able to get everything I needed. I don't do a lot of's just not my thing. Knocked a backlog off today!

HappyUP!!! - the Griddle Guys
Why it happened -I own a griddle
Why it makes me happy -I got some AWESOME ideas to make my outdoor griddle even better! (see SmashBurger above)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5405

 HappyUP!!! - driving by an old haunt

Why it happened -I was in the neighborhood
Why it makes me happy -WOW!...the shopping center across the street is's a church. The corner Deli was torn down and replaced with a liquor store....and the house I lived in had been MAJORLY remodeled! Amazing

HappyUP!!! - trip to Windustrial
Why it happened -I needed a part
Why it makes me happy -my buddies hooked me up in record time. The traffic was OK. Longest trip I have made in the "new car" did well in the weather.....and I got a new beanie!!!

HappyUP!!! - plumber
Why it happened -somebody needed to put that in
Why it makes me happy -love my plumber! Yeah, not the cheapest guy, but he is dependable and skillful. He even threw in a little something extra!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5404

 HappyUP!!! - friends in the business

Why it happened -I needed a plumbing part
Why it makes me happy - it's great to know someone in wholesale!...and knowledgeable. A serious problem occurred today....but it will be fixed by tomorrow....ahhhh.....relief!

HappyUP!!! - Cod
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -man, I put the right stuff on it tonight! LOVE my griddle!!! So easy....sooooooo gooooood!

HappyUP!!! - stock market
Why it happened -my buddy told me about it
Why it makes me happy -fascinating story brewing! I TOTALLY get it! It also inspired me to off-load some stuff I have been meaning to

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5403

 HappyUP!!! - Delivering "The Space Between"

Why it happened - it was time to speak
Why it makes me happy -I think I gave some great information today. I delivered well. 

HappyUP!!! - cutting the walk short
Why it happened -I was under layered
Why it makes me happy -no need for me to be out in those winds....and COLD! I thought about pushing on...NOPE!

HappyUP!!! - the storm coming in 
Why it happened -it's weather
Why it makes me happy -it isn't quite here...but it will be tonight later. This is going to be a doozy. It's one of those ones that will keep you awake! We haven't had one of those in forever. It was cool to watch it coming in this evening

Monday, January 25, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5402

 HappyUP!!! - figuring out the breakout room

Why it happened -I did the research
Why it makes me happy -it wasn't that complicated! I LOVE that! We really need this functionality for our upcoming contest

HappyUP!!! - walking
Why it happened -the weather was nice
Why it makes me happy -it had been a bit since I got out. Awesome time today on the hike

HappyUP!!! - speech written
Why it happened -it is my turn
Why it makes me happy -it is always a relief when I put together a good one....THIS is going to be a great one!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5401

 HappyUP!!! - R&B meeting

Why it happened -B needed help
Why it makes me happy -no, it's not Rhythm and Blues. It's a couple of my co-members. So glad to be able to provide guidance and calm the panic

HappyUP!!! -bet with my nephew
Why it happened -needed to spice up a game
Why it makes me happy -the banter and negotiation was hysterical!...even though it cost me a handy!

HappyUP!!! - championship football
Why it happened -it happens
Why it makes me happy -I got no skin in this. I don't think I have seen more than a couple NFL games all year. Championship Sunday is usually the best day of the year. No disappointments here. Super Bowl?...meh

Saturday, January 23, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5400

 HappyUP!!! - chat with sis

Why it happened -I had a question
Why it makes me happy -it's always great when she gives me some help

HappyUP!!! - nephew stopping by
Why it happened -he needed something
Why it makes me happy -I love to help out when I can

HappyUP!!! - Remembering Billy
Why it happened -something reminded me
Why it makes me happy -it wasn't just my imagination. It made a lasting impression on my brother as well. I just wish I knew what happened to that kid

Friday, January 22, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5399


HappyUP!!! - cancelling due to rain
Why it happened -it's what I do
Why it makes me happy -yeah, I could have played....but....why? There are enough nice days. 

HappyUP!!! - text with my NY buddy
Why it happened -we do that on occasion
Why it makes me happy -awesome pictures (she's a photographer)...but I sure as heck wouldn't want to live there!

HappyUP!!! - a great workout
Why it happened -motivation
Why it makes me happy - starting back up.....AGAIN....didn't do a lot. Hey, who wants to wake up feeling like you are in a body cast?

Thursday, January 21, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5398


HappyUP!!! - my friend's new YouTube channel
Why it happened -he put it out there
Why it makes me happy -glad to see him stretching himself....nice job!

HappyUP!!! - great phone call
Why it happened -I reached out
Why it makes me happy -I could tell the person needed some assistance.....and I was just the guy to provide it

HappyUP!!! - the car wash
Why it happened -it was needed
Why it makes me happy -you KNOW that feeling! I need to do it more often.....maybe come next Spring!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5397


HappyUP!!! - birdie on 8
Why it happened -stellar iron
Why it makes me happy -for whatever reason, this hole plays really easy or really tough for me. I MUCH prefer easy and I LOVE birdies

HappyUP!!! - a late add to tee sheet
Why it happened - his appointment was done
Why it makes me happy -this is a two-fer. My brother joined us....AND...he is vaccinated!

HappyUP!!! - GM walked out and joined in
Why it happened - he freed up after all
Why it makes me happy -LOVE playing with this guy

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5396

 HappyUP!!! - Punta Vida

Why it happened -a speech
Why it makes me happy -one of the best this person has given! Very entertaining! Put some "Punta Vida" into your life

HappyUP!!! - testing equipment
Why it happened -my buddy helped me
Why it makes me happy - it's good to get some honest feedback. I also got some great ideas!

HappyUP!!! - great meeting
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -I ran it hiccups....everybody did a great job. Hysterical

Monday, January 18, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5395

 HappyUP!!! - GF Talk

Why it happened -he had a question
Why it makes me happy -started to text.....way easier to pick up the phone

HappyUP!!! - NN talk
Why it happened -he had a question
Why it makes me happy -started to text...way easier to talk

HappyUP!!! - putting the meeting together
Why it happened -It was my turn
Why it makes me happy -Oopsie!...I had forgotten! I was a little late but all my players came through and confirmed!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5394

 HappyUP!!! - The Buccaneers advance

Why it happened -someone has to
Why it makes me happy - Tom Brady moving on will surely make for news stories! Interesting to watch him do it

HappyUP!!! -cutting our losses
Why it happened -we ran into a buzz saw
Why it makes me happy -sometimes a loss is a win...especially how badly we were getting it put to us through 14 holes!

HappyUP!!! - 6 iron on 17
Why it happened -I do it on occasion
Why it makes me happy -THAT was why we play the game. FLUSH!!!! Three greenies.

HappyUP!!! - opponent golf
Why it happened -he had it going
Why it makes me happy -THAT was a pretty impressive performance from the back tees. His pitch in on 9 was INSANE!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5393

 HappyUP!!! - Bills Win

Why it happened -somebody had to
Why it makes me happy -I've got a die hard Bills fan for a friend living out here in Cali! ...ever since I have known her.  I don't care much about football but I was thrilled for her

HappyUP!!! - speech written
Why it happened -I had some time
Why it makes me happy -hey, look at me, getting the speech done ....LONG before my deadline! still needs some tweaks but the heavy lifting is done

HappyUP!!! - tidying up
Why it happened -no golf
Why it makes me happy - put a HUGE dent in some needed chores around the house. Look at that kitchen!

Friday, January 15, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5392

 HappyUP!!! - Finding Q-ball

Why it happened - I had a hunch
Why it makes me happy -lil bugger snuck out last night! So relieved to recover him.

Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -I haven't hit the ball like that in ages! Proper golf!

HappyUP!!! - 34 on the front 9
Why it happened -see above
Why it makes me happy -it could have been a 32...easily! 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5391

 HappyUP!!! - salmon

Why it happened -fired up the griddle
Why it makes me happy - WOW!....the best...and no stink111

HappyUP!!! - GREAT walk
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -stepped it up hard today ....felt GREAT!!!

HappyUP!!! - TM training
Why it happened -it's required
Why it makes me happy -I actually learned some fantastic stuff to put to immediate use!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5390


HappyUP!!! - Cowichan
Why it happened -I go there (virtually)
Why it makes me happy -I had "light duty" tonight.....and got to enjoy a VERY lively meeting!

HappyUP!!! - meeting cancellation
Why it happened -too busy
Why it makes me happy - I always appreciate getting some of my life being given back to me. We'll catch up next week

HappyUP!!! - that iron on 8
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy -once in awhile, you just catch one "flush."  Better players do it all the time. My irons have been less than stellar as of late. This one told me, "it's in there."

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5389


HappyUP!!! - J9 chat
Why it happened -she had a question
Why it makes me happy -I was thrilled to be able to assist!

HappyUP!!! - TM training
Why it happened -we do it twice a year
Why it makes me happy - it was really good....and it was on ZOOM! ...I didn't have to drive somewhere!!!

HappyUP!!! - sneaking in an errand
Why it happened -I was up against it tonight
Why it makes me happy - glad to not have to do this tomorrow.....and I was on time to training!

Monday, January 11, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5388


HappyUP!!! - forgetting NCAA Championship game
Why it happened -I really don't know
Why it makes me happy -glad I didn't waste hours of my time on this blowout!

HappyUP!!! - texting with an old buddy
Why it happened -I hit her up
Why it makes me happy -great to get caught up on the move back to the mid-west that was made...and other things

HappyUP!!! - S & Q
Why it happened -they like to play
Why it makes me happy -this one makes me happy everyday.....but they were VERY animated today. They are definitely good for each other

Sunday, January 10, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5387


HappyUP!!! - Putt on 18

Why it happened -skillz
Why it makes me happy - there is little better than coming through in the clutch!...damn near made that snake!

HappyUP!!! -eggs on the griddle
Why it happened -I tried it out
Why it makes me happy - I have some refinement to do but those scrambled babies were easy and a GREAT consistency. This new device is going to work!

HappyUP!!! - TC's sharing
Why it happened -he was thoughtful
Why it makes me happy -nice to have a little "Covid cup" occasionally!

Saturday, January 09, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5386

 HappyUP!!! - Walk to grocery

Why it happened -I needed stuff
Why it makes me happy - yeah...I could have taken the car....but I threw the backpack over the shoulder. I spared some carbon today. Yep...that is real

HappyUP!!! - Text with SS
Why it happened -I did it
Why it makes me happy -we SOOOOO are disparate on political views...but are still friends on important stuff. Hey...he may disagree...but that's OK

HappyUP!!! - idiots on Facebook
Why it happened -I go there occasionally
Why it makes me happy - I LOVE to watch people! Hey, in lockdown, how else can you

Friday, January 08, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5385


HappyUP!!! - a reverse "bad beat"
Why it happened -luck of the roll
Why it makes me happy - it looked bad....especially when I had just gotten my great hand usurped by my buddy. Everyone laughed...."dude, that was a BAD BEAT"...meaning...I was very unlucky to lose. came down to the last flop. I kept a buddy had a Full House......oh? What?....I rolled 3 sixes to go along with the one I kept? THAT is a BAD BEAT

HappyUP!!! - fire pit time with 2 members
Why it happened - I was on that end of the pit
Why it makes me happy -these guys don't play with us...but I know them both. It was an AWESOME conversation that we had that went beyond the usual BS of my buddies

HappyUP!!! - that bunker shot on 18
Why it happened -skillz
Why it makes me happy - back of trap...downhill lie....a LOT that could go wrong here. Somehow, I generated enough speed and spin, used the break.....rolled it up to a gimme! AMAZING shot

Thursday, January 07, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5384


HappyUP!!! - Burnt peace with my buddy
Why it happened -I needed to offer it
Why it makes me happy - there was some SERIOUS shade thrown at me last night in text. We got it worked out

HappyUP!!! -my cat video
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -this was a good one...sent to some....posted to the website

HappyUP!!! - videos of the Capitol
Why it happened -we had a little issue yesterday
Why it makes me happy -I'm SOOOOO glad that happened when I was golfing. IF I had been home, I'm pretty sure I would have watched the LIVE feeds.....and....on this one...I'm glad I caught the replay

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5383


HappyUP!!! - the rain was short
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -we KNEW we were taking a chance on the back 9....but the squall that came in was as RANDOM as it comes. We only played about one hole in the rain......and then we got brilliant sunshine....after the previous holes were a touch cold and cloudy....weird!

HappyUP!!! - staying off Facebook
Why it happened -intentional
Why it makes me happy -I can only imagine what people are posting there today with the Capitol situation

HappyUP!!! - a cancellation
Why it happened -my buddy is swamped
Why it makes me happy -I LOVE my weekly appointment....but I also appreciate the time! I'm also glad he's back teaching again

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5382


HappyUP!!! - WE ARE BACK
Why it happened -it's a New Year
Why it makes me happy -I missed my TM buddies!!! We ended up with a little more time off this year due to Covid!

HappyUP!!! - cat stories and pics
Why it happened -I got a buddy
Why it makes me happy -it was charming to "visit" with my upstate NY friend and share our mutual catification

HappyUP!!! - salad
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -this was a GREAT ONE....I through the kitchen sink at it. FABULOUS!!!

Monday, January 04, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5381


HappyUP!!! - lunch with the nephew
Why it happened -he stopped by
Why it makes me happy -glad I had a lasagna in the over....and  a salad I had made....delicious and great chat

HappyUP!!! -rain
Why it happened -weather
Why it makes me happy -Cali is getting to "that time" again...wondering about rain. It's not our rainy season yet but I am sure we are behind already. We will LOVE getting what we get

HappyUP!!! - texts on subjects
Why it happened -I shot some things out
Why it makes me happy -I have some VERY intelligent friends

Sunday, January 03, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5380


HappyUP!!! - 2 birdies!!!
Why it happened - skills
Why it makes me happy - first birdies of the year! Hey, I won't be getting skunked!!!

HappyUP!!! - finishing
Why it happened -everyone was hustling today
Why it makes me happy -we were the last ones off that golf course today. It was a bit dark...but manageable. We had a rare late tee time. Glad to get it in!!! 

HappyUP!!! - a car wash
Why it happened -it NEEDED it
Why it makes me happy -I snuck this deal in before golf. I LOVE when I squeeze in a quick errand. It feels like "I stole something!"

Saturday, January 02, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5379


HappyUP!!! - 9.5 miles
Why it happened -a buddy called me
Why it makes me happy -no issues.....and we got it done fast...great conversations

HappyUP!!! - avoiding the rain
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -this squall was NOT predicted...even this morning on the news. We would NOT have been ready for THAT rain out on the trail!

HappyUP!!! - nothing changes on NY Day
Why it happened -it was long ago
Why it makes me happy -I don't know...I see things on line...I see things on TV. U2 hit with that song back in my youth and, though the song has more to do with politics, I have always enjoyed the folly that is New Years

Friday, January 01, 2021

HappyUP!!! Day 5378 HAPPY NEW YEAR


HappyUP!!! - the Nutter  Cup
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -...that we have the ability to do this tradition. Nope, not everyNew Year Day. We didn't do that last year due to a medical thing...which made us realize how precious this time is. Yep, me and the bro lost's not the point

HappyUP!!! - new strings
Why it happened -I challenged my buddy
Why it makes me happy -NOTHING better than new strings on the guitar....and I goaded my buddy into changing his overdue ones as well

HappyUP!!! - B and Bullet
Why it happened -he was thoughtful
Why it makes me happy - he put that bottle on the first tee today....and that was AWESOME!