HappyUP!!! - a good practice day
Why it happened - been working on new "old" things
Why it makes me happy - my golf game has been off. My golf partner and I have a BIG qualifier on Thursday. Today, I believe that I made a breakthrough. It may be too soon to be in top form on Thursday but, in best ball, some solid form will be good enough. A great day to build on.
HappyUP!!!- brekko for a buck
Why it happened - I stopped at the grocery store
Why it makes me happy - I am not a huge fruit eater. Today, on the way to the course, I grabbed a banana and an apple....for a touch over a buck. I thought, "how lucky I am to be able to obtain such good sustenance so easily and inexpensively."
HappyUP!!! - leftover pizza
Why it happened - I didn't mac it all last night
Why it makes me happy - I was pretty hungry after golf today....what could be better than a couple of slices of delicious pizza? Answer...darn near nothing.
HappyUP!!! - reducing a stock position
Why it happened - the market was down but the stock was up
Why it makes me happy - this is a good stock but I have been waaaaaaaaay overweight in it. It hasn't been smart. Today, I trimmed the position at a recent high mark. The stock even went down a touch after I sold it. I actually hope it keeps going up despite my sale. As said, I was grossly overweight in this puppy. I don't have to worry about that anymore
HappyUP!!! - not buying a stock
Why it happened - the stock started rising
Why it makes me happy - the stock backed off and is upside down in the futures market for tomorrow. There could be a sale on this stock soon....I'll buy it then.
HappyUP!!! - a new book
Why it happened - I was near Barnes & Noble
Why it makes me happy - I am part on the International Positive Psychology Association. One of the main people has a new book out. I have only read about 6 pages but already have one nugget.
My speech
Toastmasters meeting
Brekko for a buck
Leftover pizza
Calling it a day on the golf course
Getting my swing back
9 iron on 1....driver/hybrid/wedge on 3...4 iron on 4....driver on 6....5 iron on 7...bunker shot on 7....9 iron on 9....driver/8 iron on 11....5 iron on 12....driver on 13
Not buying one stock
Selling another stock position
April showers
Productive errand run