Thursday, January 10, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 348

HappyUP!!! - a comment
Why it happened - I had a meeting
Why it makes me happy - I was leading my meeting. We were at a serious point. One of my managers made a comment that was outrageously funny....yet, it was on-point so it wasn't disruptive.

HappyUP!!!- getting something off my chest
Why it happened - I am in the midst of something
Why it makes me happy - it was hard. It was scary. It was something I felt must be done. I moved it to the next step today. It was time to get the monkey off my back.

HappyUP!!! - a decision
Why it happened - it needed to be made one way or another
Why it makes me happy - I involved my team. I took their input. They are committed knowing all circumstances. That was the buy in that I needed to tip the scale and move forward.

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