Saturday, November 30, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4979

HappyUP!!! - Old Oak Tees
Why it happened - weather
Why it makes me happy -LOVE moving UP!!!!

HappyUP!!! - wedge and save on 18
Why it happened -bore down on it
Why it makes me happy - horrible 2nd critical time....thrilled to get the third shot within range to "have a chance." Dang near jarred it. LOVE making up for boo boos

HappyUP!!! - HIT UP on IT
Why it happened -I was searching
Why it makes me happy -I think I have a fix!!! Optimism!!!

Friday, November 29, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4978

HappyUP!!! - winning a skin
Why it happened -a gorgeous 6 iron and putt
Why it makes me happy - hey....I got paid for running this thing today!

HappyUP!!! - Nutter Cup
Why it happened -we do it when we can
Why it makes me happy -we didn't win...we fought adversity....we clawed our way back into the game. On the 17th tee, we had a chance! ......and then.....ugggggghhhhh!

HappyUP!!! - guitar learnings
Why it happened -I'm working it
Why it makes me happy -I still have time. I am behind but I am getting something out of each session. I wish I got more...but...that is how it goes. I am what I am!

HappyUP!!! - putt on 4
Why it happened -I'm OK with the flat stick
Why it makes me happy -it was a long putt. It wasn't "in" right off the putter head...but it held my attention.......all the way until it caught the right side of the cup!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4977

HappyUP!!! - the pedals
Why it happened -looking for the sound
Why it makes me happy -I haven't touched these in forever. I'm not there yet...BUT...I have a lot of resources at my finger tips

HappyUP!!! -late night chores
Why it happened -motivation
Why it makes me happy - I LOVE that it gets darker earlier. "Seems like I should be off to bed...what?'s 7:30?....."...a great time to knock some stuff off the list!

HappyUP!!! -National Dog Show
Why it happened -it's a tradition
Why it makes me happy -just love watching the mutts once a year.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4976

HappyUP!!! - NOT golfing
Why it happened -I boycotted
Why it makes me happy -it just seemed to wet out there after last night....and I much preferred starting to get some stuff done. Lots of things coming up

HappyUP!!! -steak parvoir
Why it happened -I bought it
Why it makes me happy -GREAT dinner for tonight....and another plate of it is ready for Thanksgiving!

HappyUP!!! - new scale
Why it happened -I was noodling and YouTubing
Why it makes me happy -not sure where I will use this one...but it's really slick. Picked this up in a hurry

HappyUP!!! - Morning Pages
Why it happened - time to resurrect
Why it makes me happy - GREAT session this morning. LOVE these!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4975

HappyUP!!! - yard work
Why it happened -storms abrewin
Why it makes me happy - didn't do all I could...but I did a lot. Much easier now than before what came in today

HappyUP!!! - new cat tree
Why it happened -my neighbor
Why it makes me happy - hey....LOVE free stuff...and the cats were ALL over it in a hurry!

HappyUP!!! - giving my speech
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -"One Thing Leads to Another"....and...sometimes you never know what it will be.

Monday, November 25, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4974

HappyUP!!! - texts with Teets
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -we are going to line up some fun

HappyUP!!! -guitar discovery
Why it happened -I was doing a backing track
Why it makes me happy -oh yeah....I will make this come together!

HappyUP!!! -the nursery
Why it happened -I had an idea
Why it makes me happy -they loved purchased...the beds will be ready for the rain tomorrow

HappyUP!!! -a partner
Why it happened -I was unloading the fertilizer
Why it makes me happy -I got an idea.  A business idea? Who knows? I know my immediate sitch will be fixed! CUSTOMIZED

Sunday, November 24, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4973

HappyUP!!! - washing boxy
Why it happened -she needed it
Why it makes me happy -she fired up (it had been awhile)...and I took off a load of grime. We will part ways soon.....uhhh....maybe....she is soooooo fun to drive!!!

HappyUP!!! -wins
Why it happened -it's sports
Why it makes me happy -I don't know what happened to the Raiders (ugh) but the Niners KILLED it...and the Kings made it happen too! Can't win em all

HappyUP!!! - 3 Cat Night
Why it happened -it's getting colder
Why it makes me happy -all three....on my bed...most if not all of the night? You kidding me? Heaven to have those furr balls with me

Saturday, November 23, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4972

HappyUP!!! - Carmelitas
Why it happened -we were hungry
Why it makes me happy -great times with friends!!!....and those shrimp were AMAZING!!!

HappyUP!!! -birdies
Why it happened -we rallied
Why it makes me happy -down all day...pards birdies 15 and 16...I birdie 17....I got a wedge into 18....we were READY for the amazing comeback to happen. Hey...I will leave it there...just the thought of the comeback was enough to energize us

HappyUP!!! - the firepit
Why it happened -our club has one
Why it makes me happy -what a charming way to spend time post-round!

Friday, November 22, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4971

HappyUP!!! - 
Why it happened -
Why it makes me happy -

HappyUP!!! -
Why it happened -
Why it makes me happy -

HappyUP!!! -
Why it happened -
Why it makes me happy -

HappyUP!!! -
Why it happened -
Why it makes me happy -


HappyUP!!! Day 4970

HappyUP!!! - a comeback
Why it happened -birdies
Why it makes me happy -my partner and I were down all day...and then he birdied 17....still down...but closer...and I hit the MOST gorgeous 8 iron into 18, canned the putt...and we were finally ahead...on the only hole that mattered!

HappyUP!!! - clarity on my situation
Why it happened -I had an opportunity
Why it makes me happy -I now KNOW what I need to do...and...KNOWING is absolutely the most bitchin thing in the world!!!!

HappyUP!!! - early to bed..hopefully early to rise
Why it happened -tomorrow is going to be epic
Why it makes me happy -it is always GREAT to have something to look forward to

Thursday, November 21, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4969

HappyUP!!! - party
Why it happened -friend had it going on
Why it makes me happy -met some of the nicest people...caught up with old friends

HappyUP!!! -take home
Why it happened -see above
Why it makes me happy -I got food for tomorrow!!! YEAH...THAT is a thing!!!

HappyUP!!! - a nice breakthrough
Why it happened -jamming
Why it makes me happy -I am getting this pattern down for the band song! Digging it

HappyUP!!! - my next amp viewed
Why it happened -I saw a band
Why it makes me happy -who knew...the Amp I was thinking about...the dude had it!!! I got to hear the testing. I may make mine work...BUT...yeah..that one? It will work!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4968

HappyUP!!! - address an issue
Why it happened -I have chats
Why it makes me happy -a challenge...I like that

HappyUP!!! - last 5 even
Why it happened -I reached down
Why it makes me happy -it was a tough both 9's. Yep...a loss...but put it together in the end

HappyUP!!! - readings
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -I got a is coming together.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4967

HappyUP!!! - L-zo
Why it happened -he stepped up
Why it makes me happy -LOVE a new member with drive

HappyUP!!! - band hitting it
Why it happened -we rehearse
Why it makes me happy -we aren't there...but...right on track

HappyUP!!! -amp learnings
Why it happened -buddy told me
Why it makes me happy -I learn around others. Yeah...this one was a "duh"...great tips...and a great lead on a new amp if I need it.

Monday, November 18, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4966

HappyUP!!! - the scale
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -I had a precipitous drop in weight overnight! It was really cool because I have been "on a number" basically for a long time.

HappyUP!!! - Nixon on Nixon
Why it happened -I recorded it
Why it makes me happy -very interesting to hear our former President's words on tape. A well done documentary

HappyUP!!! -email response
Why it happened -our dude is cool
Why it makes me happy -we have some storm on the horizon. Communication is key. Glad to get the 911 back so fast

HappyUP!!! -guitar invite accepted
Why it happened -I put it out there
Why it makes me happy -I gotta watch it...I am going from "don't I know guitar players" to EVERYONE is a guitar player! So cool!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4965

HappyUP!!! - good day for the locals
Why it happened -it's sports
Why it makes me happy -49ers win a nail biter....Raiders keep winning...and the Kings pull out one at the Buzzer! Everybody in Nor Cal happy today!

HappyUP!!! -party invite
Why it happened -who wouldn't want me there?
Why it makes me happy -I can't make it....but it was awfully nice to be invited!!!

HappyUP!!! - numbers with the family
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -fun golf...even if it wasn't great golf...but some great discussion

HappyUP!!! -weather
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -global warming? Who knows...I just ate it up today!!!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4964

HappyUP!!! - rake and mow
Why it happened -I got motivated
Why it makes me happy -it had been a while with the weather change. Jumped out there and got it done in record time. Moved them leaves!

HappyUP!!! -slider putt on 9
Why it happened -I have been there
Why it makes me happy -THAT putt took some skill...and touch....and...yep...I had them both there

HappyUP!!! -15th hole
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -there were 5 of us....two guys hit it inside the flagstick...2 guys were just outside...and I was about 14 feet. I'm not sure I have ever played with 5 guys that all hit it that close on a par 4. Actually, I am sure I haven't.....and....yeah...I made my putt. Me...the guy farthest away! LOVED that!!!

Friday, November 15, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4963

HappyUP!!! - Joe
Why it happened -Magic Moments
Why it makes me happy -I found another dude I like....who also plays guitar...and lives close by. We will do this!!!

HappyUP!!! -3 sandies
Why it happened -skills
Why it makes me happy -I LOVE that I have a degree of technique in the bunkers. Things come and go in the golf game...this stays fairly constant for me.

HappyUP!!! -playing with the nephew
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -I ground it out to the end....he had a whoopsie....on the last green....turned me into a winner! Ya gotta grind!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4962

HappyUP!!! - jarring it on 5
Why it happened -skills
Why it makes me happy -I striped that 9 iron...high...soaring...and it landed right in the bottom of the cup. The lip or the green were undisturbed. It made a loud noise...and the pin shook......only to have it bounce out from where it landed. Seen shots "jarred before"...usually, there is collateral damage to the lip. Not this one.....nothing.

HappyUP!!! -firehosing my friend
Why it happened -he wanted inspiration
Why it makes me happy -never really "taught" guitar...still haven't. But...I know more than I think...especially how someone can get "stuck" regarding the instrument. Awesome to give him some mind expansion

HappyUP!!! - finding Squeakers
Why it happened -I was a little frantic
Why it makes me happy -poor kitty.....she went where she shouldn't have....and was stuck all day. I'm glad it wasn't an outside place. The other cats could have been more helpful! Oh well...I still have her!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4961

HappyUP!!! - birdie on 8
Why it happened -a fabulous hybrid
Why it makes me happy -THAT hole was playing looooong today. Happy to just hit the green...let alone a gimme birdie (near ace).

HappyUP!!! -A for coffee
Why it happened -I set it up
Why it makes me happy -great to get new info...and to get caught up with my friend. She will be back!

HappyUP!!! - coffee with my bud
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -divergent lives...between him...his son..his other son....very interesting stuff.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4960

HappyUP!!! - the band
Why it happened -I signed up
Why it makes me happy -for first get together, things were sounding pretty good. Nice crew and size this time

HappyUP!!! -another guitar player
Why it happened -he changed his mind
Why it makes me happy -GREAT news that I am not the lone axe slinger!

HappyUP!!! -pulling off the meeting
Why it happened -late minute cancellation
Why it makes me happy -members jumped in with unplanned...but GREAT speeches. Another member gave me a TT kit! Great meeting

Monday, November 11, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4959

HappyUP!!! - 7 iron 17..and putt
Why it happened -focus
Why it makes me happy -we were up against partnered a great job...and then I did a better one. Anwering the call!!!

HappyUP!!! - meal kit
Why it happened - I bought one
Why it makes me happy -I can cook. I learn. And...get great food in the meantime

HappyUP!!! - great game
Why it happened -hate is our church
Why it makes me happy -I am NOT happy NINERS lost...but it was a great game. At end of day, my time was well spent watching...and that is the point.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4958

HappyUP!!! - Nutter Numbers Game
Why it happened -it was just us
Why it makes me happy - love time with bro and nephew...on the golf course..never taking it for granted. It is a sacred privilege

HappyUP!!! -mad dice rolls
Why it happened -we had to settle affairs
Why it makes me happy - LUCK! LUCK in spades...never rolled the dice like that....three 6's...out of the box...first roll...3 times in a row...that doesn't happen

HappyUP!!! -usin the Tupperware
Why it happened -I had leftover food
Why it makes me happy -I did a recent clean out of "stuff." My late mother had a lot of plastic containers. I have my own. But, due to a recent mix and much thing of putting her stuff together...I just LOVE storing my stuff in her old containers. It's a thing...for me!

Saturday, November 09, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4957

HappyUP!!! - ball striking
Why it happened -got two chances
Why it makes me happy -I love the format of the tournament. Took me back to childhood. Yeah..loved to have won...but putter said NO..usually my strong suit. Fabulous that it was the weak link

HappyUP!!! -office reorg
Why it happened -I work at it
Why it makes me happy -I love much as I fail at my expectation...I REVEL in progress

HappyUP!!! -tidy
Why it happened -I put some time on it
Why it makes me happy -peace...I love structure...even though it is harder for me than others...I love when I make it happen

Friday, November 08, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4956

HappyUP!!! - some cute shots
Why it happened -skillz
Why it makes me happy -3 cut drivers off the deck that all worked! A punch 9 iron to largo birdie. A hold off 7 iron into the back pin on 18.

HappyUP!!! -chipping
Why it happened -a tip the other day
Why it makes me happy -I made an adjustment in posture...what a difference. It's a lot safer to hit a chip than a "pitch technique"...better odds. Chipped the crap out of it today

HappyUP!!! -roasted vegetables
Why it happened -I had leftovers
Why it makes me happy -tried this dish for the first time yesterday. They held up nicely in the fridge and made for a great part of breakfast. I could do this deal....a lot!

HappyUP!!! - GarageBand learning
Why it happened -I was putzing
Why it makes me happy -OK....I had meant to try this. It took some figuring out on my equipment. This is going to come in VERY handy on an upcoming project.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4955

HappyUP!!! - improvement in one day
Why it happened -YouTube
Why it makes me happy -I NEED to start using this service in better ways!!! WOW! I gotta do some Stevie Ray Vaughan in a month. I went, "really?" BUT....after watching some technique...I can do this. NO!!!....not the fancy lead stuff...but the rhythm and passable lead stuff.

HappyUP!!! -prioritizing to close out the year
Why it happened -I got to thinking
Why it makes me happy -I now KNOW where I will be spending the next month and a half....and probably most of January. Direction and vision

HappyUP!!! -tossing some stuff
Why it happened -making decisions
Why it makes me happy -I'm getting closer and closer to the nitty gritty. Still have a ways to go. The process is getting easier

HappyUP!!! -testing Boxy
Why it happened -I had a suspicion
Why it makes me happy -glad I got her on the trickle charger BEFORE she was totally depleted...and before I was jumping in on a planned drive! I'm getting a little smarter in my old age!

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4954

HappyUP!!! - Squeakers volunteered for the wheel
Why it happened -she likes it
Why it makes me happy -my goodness...she wasn't just on it...she attacked that sucker. She was flying. Good little kitty!

HappyUP!!! - teeth refresh
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -great to see Nurse Ratchetina today and get caught up....and clean!

HappyUP!!! - birdie on 14
Why it happened -perfection
Why it makes me happy -the drive was straight...the wedge was low and spinny...and the putt was drained from the second I hit it. THAT is like heroin to a golfer

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4953

HappyUP!!! - Sgt came back
Why it happened -duties elsewhere complete
Why it makes me happy -FANTASTIC seeing this little lady this morning....and getting some help

HappyUP!!! - a guest inquiry
Why it happened - the mother ship does a great job
Why it makes me happy -  a new playmate?....we shall see!

HappyUP!!! - Qball on the wheel
Why it happened -he likes it?
Why it makes me happy -I have tempted the cats up there. It was amazing to see him take it on all by himself. This may have use after all

HappyUP!!! -3 speeches
Why it happened -dedicated members
Why it makes me happy - we were small in number today (odd)...but VERY long in value! Glad I was there

Monday, November 04, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4952

HappyUP!!! - seeing S and S again
Why it happened -golf tournament
Why it makes me happy - nice running into these guys. They live a different lifestyle than me....and that is OK. They do provide a bit of inspiration though

HappyUP!!! - S hitting the stick
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy -this dude does NOT even play golf....and he hit a GORGEOUS hybrid...high and straight...BAM!!!...almost jarred it! WOW!!! He was thrilled. Great to see

HappyUP!!! -home early
Why it happened -our host had to go
Why it makes me happy -that's all I needed to hear. I have been around for enough award dinners in my time

Sunday, November 03, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4951

HappyUP!!! - Raider win
Why it happened -goal line stand
Why it makes me happy -while not too involved with NFL, the game was on in the background of where I my core...I am Silver and Black (though I like the Niners too)

HappyUP!!! - putt on 18
Why it happened -I got good reads
Why it makes me happy -I think that was worth about two bets draining that 12 footer. The bunker shot (2nd attempt) was pretty nice too. Never give up...ya don't know what can happen!

HappyUP!!! - 5 iron on 17
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy -THAT was as flush as I can hit a shot. THAT type of contact only comes up so often. There was NO WAY I could get the ball to that back pin. I was just trying to get to the middle. Went all the way to the back edge

HappyUP!!! -leftover chicken
Why it happened -I got a care package the other day
Why it makes me happy -nice to finish it off within my "eating window." I am trying to intermittently fast. Tomorrow may be difficult. I did "OK" today.

Saturday, November 02, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4950

HappyUP!!! - punch hook on 11
Why it happened -skillz
Why it makes me happy -THAT was an incredible shot. NO...not lucky!!! I can do that...I just don't all of the time

HappyUP!!! - birdie on 14
Why it happened -drive/hold off wedge/putt
Why it makes me happy -THAT was playing the hole perfectly...tee to green. Nice to break the birdie drought!!!

HappyUP!!! - nice clothing set up
Why it happened -I "get it"
Why it makes me happy -it was a little chilly when we teed off. I had some nice, non-restrictive layers going on. I peeled them down to short sleeves with my shorts as I basked in a gorgeous day

HappyUP!!! -talking with the doc
Why it happened -he was in the group
Why it makes me happy -always love playing with this guy! I always get some cool info. Add up LDL and HDL and divide by HDL.  You are cool if under 5...great if under 4.  My LDL, I thought, might be a touch high but, after doing the math, I'm looking GREAT!!!

Chicken Piccata

Friday, November 01, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4949

HappyUP!!! - Nutter Cup
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -always a joy to get to do this with the fam....very fortunate there. It's better when we kill the other side too!

HappyUP!!! - hitting a bunch of greens
Why it happened -it's coming back around
Why it makes me happy -I think I figured it out...same old thing....fall back into bad habits. It's homeostasis. Just have to keep working

HappyUP!!! - birthday dinner
Why it happened -Bro/Sis do that
Why it makes me happy -great food...meeting a current addition to the family...some trivia...nice