Wednesday, November 01, 2017

HappyUP!!! Day 4217

HappyUP!!! - nice weather
Why it happened -it's fall
Why it makes me happy -....or is winter beginning? It was a nice chill tonight. It did make me think we may have gotten cheated a bit on fall. We shall see. There was a change this evening...which is nice

HappyUP!!! - pasta night
Why it happened - it's November
Why it makes me happy -the club brought this baby back. We had a nice group turnout....oopsie on causing Mason to bite it in the parking lot! Lil kids rebound quickly....I don't think he will hold it against me

HappyUP!!! - walking on "the knee"
Why it happened -I gave it a shot
Why it makes me happy -yeah, it was a little bothersome....nothing I couldn't handle though. I like walking when I golf

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