Tuesday, August 25, 2015

HappyUP!!! Day 3396

HappyUP!!! - chat with Steve B
Why it happened - his wife friended me
Why it makes me happy - ol college buddy...we will get together soon

HappyUP!!! - opening the doors
Why it happened - I am a gamer
Why it makes me happy - I didn't feel good today...continuation of yesterday...but...I did the job

HappyUP!!! - picking up the trash
Why it happened - I think someone had a problem
Why it makes me happy - was just glad to pick up that traffic problem

HappyUP!!! - chicken stew
Why it happened - I was thinking ahead
Why it makes me ahead - so happy I did that "thaw out" of tremendous dish I make. It was EXACTLY what I needed tonight!

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