Wednesday, December 31, 2014

HappyUP!!! Day 3126 NY Eve 2013

HappyUP!!! - Partner of the Year presentation
Why it happened - I kept track
Why it makes me happy - while it was a bit of a joke during the the end of the was an honor!

HappyUP!!! - gift to the Captain
Why it happened - cleaning out the swag
Why it makes me happy - he loved his stuff

HappyUP!!! - waking up for New Year
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy - I got better things to do than stay up until midnight. New Year is a made up holiday that really isn't a holiday....pretty much an excuse for people to act stupid and have bad behavior and make up things they will do in the next year that they can make up their minds about ANY day of the year..................but it was kind of cool to wake up for whatever reason at 11:55........and a few minutes later hearing all the firecrackers and such going off.

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