Saturday, July 26, 2008


(A Special Post for my friends over at Sunday Scribblings)

What is it that compels a grown man to torture his fingers and press raw metal against other pieces of metal which are all entwined by wood?

At this juncture, it's not about becoming tomorrow's rock star. It's not about playing in front of anyone at all.

It's not about improving skills that much. It's not about showing up somewhere and trying to be flashy. By this time, he is well aware that there is always someone out there that can play faster, cleaner, or more fluidly. Actually, most people he encounters that play guitar fit one , if not all, of those categories. He tries not to compare. Comparison is the root of all dissatisfaction. By comparing, an unsaid competition begins.
While competition can bring out a higher level, it also can bring out the worst in people. ...even in himself.

The solace is in the enjoyment for what it simply is. The enjoyment of that tactile feeling that is no longer pain. It's the fingers and in the ear. It's the auditory experience as well. It's the mental imagery of thinking of where the fingers will go next and hearing the future sound before anyone else. It is striking a chord that is crying out, "where is my mate...the chord that plays perfectly right next to me?" The story begins that has no words.

As the story unfolds, he knows that the breath of God has appeared. In that, he finds solace.


Granny Smith said...

What a wonderful description of that feeling one gets from a guitar! There was a time in my life when I slept with a guitar next to my bed so that I could pick it up first thing in the morning.

danni said...

you're dead on - it is what it is --- and i am captivated by the last two sentences!!!

Forgetfulone said...

Wow! What a great description. Love it.

GreenishLady said...

You make me want to rush out and buy myself a guitar! I think you have articulated the thing that attracts me to the idea of having one. Hmmm.

Tanya Gwen Minnick said...

Amazing!! I love, love, love this post!!! Totally describes the experience of playing guitar!
I bought myself a blue guitar a few years ago and taught myself the basics. I love my blue guitar, and although my fingers sometimes hurt, and my wrist gets tired I still love it. Although there are so many people better than I, its the peace I find in holding it that keeps me coming back!!
good luck! you rock

Karen said...

What a wonderful responses--like the chord being struck, it's vibrating in me. Beautiful!