Monday, July 28, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 547

HappyUP!!! - seeing my old friend, J
Why it happened - J was at the restaraunt I was at
Why it makes me happy - I haven't seen J in over a year. Because of the situation, some of our conversation was cursory....but not most of it. It was good to catch up a bit. When we run across old friends that we haven't seen, it is like keeping a door open. I like that.

HappyUP!!! - beating the Dow
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy - I beat the Dow last week....and I crushed it today by over 1%. There is a little piece of victory when I do better with my knowledge than all the people that "know so much about the markets." I have no question that they have more intelligence about "the game." It just seems like it is one of those things that people analyze and over-analyze....but, in the end, it is a largely speculative game of chance. (Of course, we won't talk about that, despite beating the Dow, a guy that buried his money in a tin can in the backyard would have smoked us both! LOL)

HappyUP!!! - lunch
Why it happened - I went
Why it makes me happy - my buddy and I got a mixup on our plans. I decided to eat at my house. When he called later, he still wanted to do lunch. I went but didn't eat and a good conversation ensued. Always love a good conversation.


Taking down a tree
Writing a new song
Getting songs transcribed
Chicken and sauce
Kicking the Dows butt - I was down .8...the Dow was down 2.15. I killed it by 1.3%. Of course, if you were smart enough to just have your money in a tin can in your backyard, you would have drubbed me today.
Canceled lunch

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