Saturday, September 29, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 245

HappyUP!!! - waitress at restaraunt
Why it happened - we had a new, new waitress
Why it makes me happy - the clan switched Saturday morning breakfast venues this week. The girl that brought the coffee, the "pre-waitress", surely couldn't have been working there very long. She was also as blonde as blonde comes. It was funny but cute. One of the members of the clan was funnin on her and she surprised us all by doing a little firing back on she ended up not being quite as blonde as we thought after all.

HappyUP!!! - a chill in the morning
Why it happened - the seasons have changed
Why it makes me happy - the first few days of fall can often be a continuation of summer here in Sacramento. It was interesting to wake up and say, "hmmmm.....perhaps I should have closed some of the bedroom windows last night. Brrrrrrrrr......" The morning chill then gave way to a lovely day

HappyUP!!! - taking care of Dad
Why it happened - bro and sis are out of town
Why it makes me happy - without this task required of me, I would have been doing some work on a brand new situation that came up at work. Nope. This was more important today. Bro will be back tomorrow. I can get the extra work that I need done tomorrow night......or Monday/Monday night. I got my prioritites straight today

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