Friday, September 07, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 223

OK, you home gamers - who think this HappyUP!!! is a bunch of nonsense. Today, you get your time in court. I had a steady drip of crap come to me...all day long.

...and I mean - all day long. By the end of the day, I decided to list out some CrappyDown!!!s.

...and I did - and then I was done with it. Nope, HappyUP!!! doesn't make you immune to the "stuff" because today would be a fine example. But, now that I am done with those, it's time guessed it....

HappyUP!!! - an invitation
Why it happened - someone called me
Why it makes me happy - I get to do something new tomorrow

HappyUP!!! - being named in a friend's blog
Why it happened - who knows?
Why it makes me happy - it's always nice to know someone is thinking about you. Plus, though it took me forever to get through his 52 questions, it was an interesting self learning

HappyUP!!! - call from my boss at the end of the day
Why it happened - I think he saw I had tried to call him
Why it makes me happy - I got to voice a couple of my concerns and get some perspective.

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