Friday, September 07, 2007

52 Answers

You can probably - figure out the questions from my answers. In the event that you can't, go here to my friend McNair's page. I'll give you the first few questions so you can get in the groove

1. Both of my brothers were older so I was named after they were. (Were you named after anyone?)
2. I cried last weekend visiting my terminally ill father (When was the last time you cried?)
3. I am fine with my handwriting...if I need something better, I do calligraphy (Do you like your handwriting?)
4. If a hot dog is a lunch diggity dog me up! (What is your favorite lunch meat?)
5. I'd be a purple crayon (What color crayon would you be?)
6. Darn right I would be friends with me...I think I am...though we do get in tiffs on occasion. We are good right now. Thanks for asking. (Would you be friends with you?)
7. My sarcasm has been dialed back...sarcasm is a veiled way to say something you would never say to someone. (Do you use sarcasm alot?)
8. Yes, I have my tonsils...and, now that I told you, don't try to come steal them when I am sleeping (Do you still have your tonsils?)
9. I would bungee jump...but I don't feel compelled to. (Would you bungee jump?)
10. Captain Crunch with Crunchberries...why haven't I had it in decades? Ahoy, mates!
11. No, I do not untie my shoes when I take them off. I untie them BEFORE I take them off or I leave them untied AFTER I take them off. Untying them while taking them off sounds like a magic trick to me.
12. Physically, I am not that strong.
13. Coffee Blast from Double Rainbow...Trader Joes has my favorite ice cream
14. The first thing I notice about people is if they are HOT! are people too, aren't they?
15. Red or Pink? Fuscia
16. Least favorite thing - being indecisive in my personal life....well, I think that's it but I am not sure. I'll get back to you. (What is your least favorite thing about yourself?)
17. I miss my late mother the most
18. I want no one to send this back to me....I wouldn't torture my friends.
19. Camouflage shorts are adorning my legs and some black Birkenstocks have captured my feet.
20. I just ate some tortellini that my sis-in-law made......DEEEELICIOUS.
21. I am listening to the feint sound of my air conditioner in the background
22. I have no piglets...or any other barnyard animals. (Do you have kids?)
23. Basil in my garden is a favorite smell. Fresh coffee is another.
24. I spoke with my friend Adrienne on the phone. I am going to hook him up with a deal.
25. I love McNair....despite him REQUIRING me to fill this out.
26. Hot shower is best for me...I prefer not to lay in my filth only to get up and have to towel soap off of me.
27. My hair color is a light brown. As long as I have hair, I will love whatever color it is.
28. I have Hazel eyes....that turn green...ooooh..spooky.
29. I wear no contact...I had Lasik surgery 8 years ago. What a miracle!
30. My favorite food is pizza. Ice cream. Peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream melting over it would take the cake would take the cobbler, I think. If it takes the cobbler, who makes the shoes? I digress
31. I am not a big enough movie person to have a favorite ending.
32. Last movie I watched? I am not a big enough movie person to remember.
33. I am wearing a maroon T-shirt from Territory Ahead
34. Winter over summer....but I prefer Fall...then Spring.
35. Kisses over hugs...and I mean that EXACTLY how I said it
36. My favorite sport to watch is GOLF...the major events.
37. Most likely to respond? I am not sending this anywhere
38. Least likely? See #37
39. I just finished "Happier" by Tal Ben-Shahar and am reading "The Three Signs of a Miserable Job" by Patrick Lencioni and "How to Have Kick Ass Ideas" by Chris Barez-Brown
40. What is on my mouse pad? Are you saying I have a small house? I use a laptop so I don't have a mouse pad but, if I did, I suppose the thing that would be on my mouse pad would be my mouse. Duh!
41. I didn't watch TV last night....I am sorry. I went to some friends house to give them some advice and help they needed. I'll try not to do that again. I should have been home watching TV so I could answer this question better. I think I just failed this test, didn't I?
42. My favorite sound is running water...but not those fountains that sound like a man taking a whiz! I don't suppose I would care for one that sounded like a female taking a whiz either but I have not encountered such a fountain. If you come across one of those, send it to me so I can validate my suspicion of aversion.
43. I'll take the Beatles over the Stones....but can I listen to The Who instead?
44. Which is farther from Sacramento? Florida, North Carolina, Jamaica, Cancun, or Maui. Dang it...where is my wall map and my ruler?
45. My special talent is being a smart ass....which is better than the alternative talent that I see many gravitate towards. I also can make spit hang out of my mouth down past my knee and suck the entire string back into my mouth. I shall not demonstrate this talent in public anymore because I have found the public lacks the social skills to appreciate my virtuosity in this area.
46. I was born in Roseville, California
47. I am not going to get any answers back! Would you please see #37...again. Didn't I tell you that already? How many times must I tell you? Off to your room!
48. My middle name is Andrew. It would have been my first name but my older brothers rebelled. There was no way they were going to be embarrassed by having to drag around Andy Pandy. Wow...I just realized I was named in order to pander to my brother's egos. It seems like I should have figured that out sooner. Hey, I guess that is why I go 48 deep in a questionairre.
49. I am not changing my name until the government says that I have to! When I do become famous, however, I am sure my agent will make me drop Nutter. Scott Andrew it will be....but I suppose I will need to add an "s" so it become Scott Andrews. Then, everyone will say, "are you related to Julie Andrews?" while they burst into a round of "doe, a deer, a female deer...." Yikes! I think I will leave the name alone despite the "have another Nutter Butter peanut butter sandwich cookie" that I still have to endure.
50. Shawshank Redemption is my favorite movie.
51. My favorite drink is lemonade. Back in my drinking day, "Tangueray...chilled...straight up...the vermouth is only allowed to look. No swimming."
52. Besides staring at that guys goiter, what do you do while waiting in a doctor's waiting room?

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