Thursday, September 13, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 229

HappyUP!!! - an evening with Kevin Johnson
Why it happened - he spoke to our group
Why it makes me happy - Kevin spearheaded a movement to take the struggling high school, Sac High, and make it into a charter school. In the space of four years, the kids that were accepted to go to a four year college went from 20% to 80%. In the process, he has helped make the local community to the high school a better place to live. He went to school there, his parents went to school there, and so did his grandparents. Through St Hope, it was neat to see and hear how much an NBA star has given back.

HappyUP!!! - getting through what could have been a tough meeting
Why it happened - it was my monthly meeting with my direct reports
Why it makes me happy - I recently inherited 3 managers. My world may be may be the right size for the future. It's my job to get them to give it their all so the latter ends up being the case. We made some progress today.

HappyUP!!! - excellent appetizers
Why it happened - I was at the event Kevin Johnson was at
Why it makes me happy - tasty and well prepared hours de oeuvres are always a treat. Wait...are they appetizers if they ended up being dinner?

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