Wednesday, September 19, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4440

HappyUP!!! - front parking spot
Why it happened -somone pulled out
Why it makes me happy -OK....NOOOOO!!! I am not THAT guy! You know who...."the parker"... he/she (<----was a="" accurate="" aisle="" always="" and="" at="" be="" being="" bit="" but="" camps="" can="" cart="" could="" de-parks.="" don="" easily="" employee="" front="" going="" grocery="" he="" holds="" i="" in="" is="" it="" just="" kind="" like="" lot="" middle="" more="" nbsp="" nice="" of="" out="" p="" parked="" person="" returned="" right="" saving="" say="" sexist...and="" some="" store="" t="" that="" the="" there="" to="" trouble="" up="" use="" walk.="" want="" where="" while="" you="">

HappyUP!!! -Egg bites
Why it happened - friend sent me a recipe
Why it makes me happy - are you kidding me? Eggs, jalapeños,  bacon, cheddar cheese, a bit of cream, and some cream cheese?  350 for 20 minutes and you get these little pieces of heaven? That easy to make some "grab-n-go's" loaded with protein? Everything should be that easy

HappyUP!!! - "let's golf, Friday" 
Why it happened -the Muscle called
Why it makes me happy -due to another event at the club, I was going to blow it off. The neph wants to play...and I'm sure I can rustle up a game...A Rustle for the Muscle! HA! I'm a poet!

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